escalator | ruchome schody | |
housekeeper | gospodyni domowa | |
bonds | chains that prevent sb from moving | |
feud | an argument which has existed for a long time | |
limp | utykać/kuśtykać | |
landlady | a woman who owns a house | |
row | a noisy argument of fight | |
lunatic | sb who behaves in a silly or dangerous way | |
mortuary | kostnica | |
dexterity | zręczny | |
input | wkład | |
mundane | zwykły/doczesny | |
inquisitive | ciekawski | |
ongoing | continuing to exist or developor happening | |
inevitable | unavoidable | |
booming | growing or expanding very quickly | |
devastated | very shocked or upset | |
impregnable | niezniszczalny | |
accustomed to | familiar with sth | |
preliminary | coming BEFORE the main part of sth | |
flattered | very pleased and proud cause sb has said good things about you | |
peckish | slightly hungry | |
rusty | zardzewiały | |
modest | skromny | |
fruitful | owocny | |
greedy | chciwy | |
apparent | seeming to be true but possibly not true | |
undetectable | impossible to discover | |
brand-new | completely new | |
indispensable | extremely important and necessary | |
freelance | pracownik nieetatowy | |
scarce | very small in amount or number | |
to sustain | to provide what is needed | |
to turn sb away | nie wpuścić kogoś | |
to occur | to come into sb's mind | |
to bother | to annoy or cause problems for sb | |
to fetch | pójść po coś i to przynieść | |
to disinherit | wydziedziczyć kogoś | |
to tamper with sth | majstrować przy czymś | |
to take it out on sb | wyżywać się na kimś | |
to plan ahead | to make plans well in advance | |
to look sth up | sprawdzić coś | |
to reckon | to think or believe | |
to sack sb | to remove sb from job | |
to walk out on sb | to end your relationship | |
to make out | to write all necessary inf. on an official document | |
to root around | to search for sth by looking through other things | |
to purchase | to buy | |
to dash | to go somewhere quickly | |
to fall out with | to argue with sb | |
to track down | znaleźć coś/kogoś po dłuższym szukaniu | |
to turn up | pojawić się | |
to lug | to carry or pull sth with effort | |
to contradict | zaprzeczać | |
to digest | trawić | |
to stand sb up | to intentionally fail to meet sb when you said you would | |
to adore | to love sb very much | |
to spite sb | to intentionally hurt, annoy or upset sb | |
to put up with | znosić coś/kogoś | |
will do | when you don't want any more | |
to make a fuss | to show your anger, worry greater than it really is | |
to have it coming | be about to receive a punishment | |
to be over the moon | to be very pleased | |
to keep up appearances | udawać coś, żeby nikt nie zauważył jak jest naprawdę | |
to get sidetracked | rozpraszać się | |
to get your eye on sth | to have seen sth that you want and intend to get | |
in a manner of speaking | when sth is partly true | |
to take effect | to achieve the results you want | |
take for granted | przyjąć coś za rzecz oczywistą | |
child's play | very easy | |
out of the blue | sth unexpected | |
to take your time | to do sth without hurrying | |
waste your breath | to spend your energy trying to give advice which is ignored | |
to be out of your depth | not to have the knowledge, experience to deal with sth | |
on end | for hours, days without stopping | |
my money's on | whey you feel very sure that sth is true or will happen | |
to bide your time | to wait calmly for a good opportunity to do sth | |
to go to a lot of trouble | to make an effort to do sth | |
in the light of | because of | |
on the house | for free | |
see eye to eye | to agree with sb | |
at a moment's notice | a short time before sth happens | |
could do with sth | want sth very much | |
to serve time | to spend time in prison | |
to be right up sb's street | być w czyimś type/guście | |
straight from the horse's mouth | usłyszeć coś z pierwszej ręki | |
in a flash | quickly or suddenly | |
couldn't be bothered | to be too lazy or tired to do sth | |
to make yourself at home | do what you need to feel relax and comfortable | |
at stake | stawka | |
to take sb's word for it | wierzyć, że to co ktoś mówi jest prawdą | |
a show-off | popisy | |
hostage | zakładnik | |
phenomenon/phenomena | fenomen/y (zjawisko/a) | |
aisle | alejka/przejście | |
thrill | excitement | |
rib | żebro | |
disgrace | hańba | |
fraud | oszust | |
blackmail | szantaż | |
compassion | współczucie | |
fugitive | uciekinier | |
angle | kąt | |
post-mortem | sekcja zwłok | |
incentive | bodziec/zachęta | |
trauma | uraz | |
thorough | detailed | |
compromising | causing damage to one's reputation | |
overwhelming | very great or very large | |
distinctive | charakterystyczny/wyróżniający się | |
ample | enough | |
well-off | zamożny | |
trustworthy | a reliable person | |
anonymous | anonimowy | |
elaborate | skomplikowany | |
hilarious | very funny | |
relevant | związany z tematem | |
literally | used to stress that the statement or description is true | |
outnumbered | smaller in number than sth else | |
idle | leniwy/bezrobotny | |
observant | spostrzegawczy | |
hideous | very ugly and disgusting | |
late | not now living | |
illustrious | famous | |
classified | kept secret from all but a few people in the government | |
cooped-up | gnieździć się | |
atrocious | very bad | |
to misbehave | to behave badly | |
to bump into sb | meet sb by chance | |
mille around | to walk around in a general area without any purpose | |
impede | utrudniać | |
to put down an animal | to kill an animal because it is injured or sick | |
to be up to sb | the one who is responsible for making a chice or decision | |
to treat sb to sth | zafundować coś komuś | |
to chip in | złożyć się | |
to frequent | to visit or go to a place often | |
to smudge | popbamić/wybrudzić | |
to fall for sth | nabrać się | |
to extract | to get sth by force or threat | |
to crave sth | pragnąć czegoś | |
to repel | to cause sb to feel disgust | |
to lurk | czaić się/kryć się | |
to snivel | to cry slightly - it doesn't make people feel symphaty for you | |
to refine sth | to improve sth by making small changes | |
to show-off | popisywać się | |
to loathe | to hate sb/sth | |
to go on about sth | to continue talking | |
to punctured | przedziurawić | |
to account for | to explain | |
to beheaded | to cut off sb's head | |
to be after sb/sth | trying to catch sb/sth | |
to get carried away | dać się ponieść nerwom | |
to comply with | to do what you have beed asked or ordered | |
to thrive | to grow and develope successfully | |
to punch | uderzenie pięścią | |
to swing-swang-swang | to do or manage sth successfully | |
to extort | wymusić | |
to fracture | to cause a crack or break in sth hard | |
to be up to sth | to be doing sth (often bad or illegal) | |
to wander around | to walk around slowly in a relaxed way | |
to take sb in | to trick sb | |
to mop up | wycierać | |
to economise on sth | oszczędzać na czymś | |
to make for sth | to cause sth to happen or to be more likely | |
to despise sb/sth | pogardzać kimś/czymś | |
to acquire | to gain | |
to come to light | become known | |
to drive up the wall | make sb irritated, angry or crazy | |
on the advice of sb | following sb's suggestion | |
to be in sb's good books | to be treated very nicely by someone | |
in a nutshell | using as few words as possible | |
to keep a low profile | to avoid attracting attention to yourself | |
to keep sth in the dark | not to give sb all the inf about sth | |
to jump to conclusion | arrive at conclusion | |
to cross sb's mind | when you think of sth, it........ | |
to take the credit for sth | to be praised for sth you've done | |
to blow your nose | dmuchać nos | |
to do wonders | to help or improve sth greatly | |
to come in handy | to be useful for a particulat purpose | |