wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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wszystkie zestawy
moje zestawy
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Sherlock 1-2
autor: juleczka
dodaj do moich zestawów
escalatorruchome schody
housekeepergospodyni domowa
bondschains that prevent sb from moving
feudan argument which has existed for a long time
landladya woman who owns a house
rowa noisy argument of fight
lunaticsb who behaves in a silly or dangerous way
ongoingcontinuing to exist or developor happening
boominggrowing or expanding very quickly
devastatedvery shocked or upset
accustomed tofamiliar with sth
preliminarycoming BEFORE the main part of sth
flatteredvery pleased and proud cause sb has said good things about you
peckishslightly hungry
apparentseeming to be true but possibly not true
undetectableimpossible to discover
brand-newcompletely new
indispensableextremely important and necessary
freelancepracownik nieetatowy
scarcevery small in amount or number
to sustainto provide what is needed
to turn sb awaynie wpuścić kogoś
to occurto come into sb's mind
to botherto annoy or cause problems for sb
to fetchpójść po coś i to przynieść
to disinheritwydziedziczyć kogoś
to tamper with sthmajstrować przy czymś
to take it out on sbwyżywać się na kimś
to plan aheadto make plans well in advance
to look sth upsprawdzić coś
to reckonto think or believe
to sack sbto remove sb from job
to walk out on sbto end your relationship
to make outto write all necessary inf. on an official document
to root aroundto search for sth by looking through other things
to purchaseto buy
to dashto go somewhere quickly
to fall out withto argue with sb
to track downznaleźć coś/kogoś po dłuższym szukaniu
to turn uppojawić się
to lugto carry or pull sth with effort
to contradictzaprzeczać
to digesttrawić
to stand sb upto intentionally fail to meet sb when you said you would
to adoreto love sb very much
to spite sbto intentionally hurt, annoy or upset sb
to put up withznosić coś/kogoś
will dowhen you don't want any more
to make a fussto show your anger, worry greater than it really is
to have it comingbe about to receive a punishment
to be over the moonto be very pleased
to keep up appearancesudawać coś, żeby nikt nie zauważył jak jest naprawdę
to get sidetrackedrozpraszać się
to get your eye on sthto have seen sth that you want and intend to get
in a manner of speakingwhen sth is partly true
to take effectto achieve the results you want
take for grantedprzyjąć coś za rzecz oczywistą
child's playvery easy
out of the bluesth unexpected
to take your timeto do sth without hurrying
waste your breathto spend your energy trying to give advice which is ignored
to be out of your depthnot to have the knowledge, experience to deal with sth
on endfor hours, days without stopping
my money's onwhey you feel very sure that sth is true or will happen
to bide your timeto wait calmly for a good opportunity to do sth
to go to a lot of troubleto make an effort to do sth
in the light ofbecause of
on the housefor free
see eye to eyeto agree with sb
at a moment's noticea short time before sth happens
could do with sthwant sth very much
to serve timeto spend time in prison
to be right up sb's streetbyć w czyimś type/guście
straight from the horse's mouthusłyszeć coś z pierwszej ręki
in a flashquickly or suddenly
couldn't be botheredto be too lazy or tired to do sth
to make yourself at homedo what you need to feel relax and comfortable
at stakestawka
to take sb's word for itwierzyć, że to co ktoś mówi jest prawdą
a show-offpopisy
phenomenon/phenomenafenomen/y (zjawisko/a)
post-mortemsekcja zwłok
compromisingcausing damage to one's reputation
overwhelmingvery great or very large
distinctivecharakterystyczny/wyróżniający się
trustworthya reliable person
hilariousvery funny
relevantzwiązany z tematem
literallyused to stress that the statement or description is true
outnumberedsmaller in number than sth else
hideousvery ugly and disgusting
latenot now living
classifiedkept secret from all but a few people in the government
cooped-upgnieździć się
atrociousvery bad
to misbehaveto behave badly
to bump into sbmeet sb by chance
mille aroundto walk around in a general area without any purpose
to put down an animalto kill an animal because it is injured or sick
to be up to sbthe one who is responsible for making a chice or decision
to treat sb to sthzafundować coś komuś
to chip inzłożyć się
to frequentto visit or go to a place often
to smudgepopbamić/wybrudzić
to fall for sthnabrać się
to extractto get sth by force or threat
to crave sthpragnąć czegoś
to repelto cause sb to feel disgust
to lurkczaić się/kryć się
to snivelto cry slightly - it doesn't make people feel symphaty for you
to refine sthto improve sth by making small changes
to show-offpopisywać się
to loatheto hate sb/sth
to go on about sthto continue talking
to puncturedprzedziurawić
to account forto explain
to beheadedto cut off sb's head
to be after sb/sthtrying to catch sb/sth
to get carried awaydać się ponieść nerwom
to comply withto do what you have beed asked or ordered
to thriveto grow and develope successfully
to punchuderzenie pięścią
to swing-swang-swangto do or manage sth successfully
to extortwymusić
to fractureto cause a crack or break in sth hard
to be up to sthto be doing sth (often bad or illegal)
to wander aroundto walk around slowly in a relaxed way
to take sb into trick sb
to mop upwycierać
to economise on sthoszczędzać na czymś
to make for sthto cause sth to happen or to be more likely
to despise sb/sthpogardzać kimś/czymś
to acquireto gain
to come to lightbecome known
to drive up the wallmake sb irritated, angry or crazy
on the advice of sbfollowing sb's suggestion
to be in sb's good booksto be treated very nicely by someone
in a nutshellusing as few words as possible
to keep a low profileto avoid attracting attention to yourself
to keep sth in the darknot to give sb all the inf about sth
to jump to conclusionarrive at conclusion
to cross sb's mindwhen you think of sth, it........
to take the credit for sthto be praised for sth you've done
to blow your nosedmuchać nos
to do wondersto help or improve sth greatly
to come in handyto be useful for a particulat purpose
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