absolute power | władza absolutna | |
to succeed one another to the throne | dziedziczyć tron | |
laws of succession | prawa dziedziczenia (np. tronu) | |
to accede to the throne | wstępować na tron | |
heir apparent | prawowity następca (tronu) | |
in line to the trone | w kolejce do tronu | |
regent | in monarchy, when the eldest son is too young to reign, he takes his place | |
pretender | pretendent | |
to lay claim to the throne | rościć sobie prawo do tronu | |
proclaimed king | ogłoszony królem | |
to depose sb | usuwać (np. z tronu) | |
to seize power for oneself | przejąć władzę | |
to usurp power | przywłaszczać sobie władzę | |
to fall from power | stracić władzę | |
to abuse power | nadużywać władzy | |
feudal | relating to a social system strictly organized according to rank, typical of Middle Age Europe | |
medieval | of or from the Middle Ages | |
Renaissance | period of new growth of interest and activity in the arts especially in Europe in the 14th-16th cent | |
Victorian | relating to the period 1837-1901 when Victoria was Queen of Britain | |
Victorian | period associated with values of self-control, hard work, loyalty, strong religious beliefs | |
infantry | soldiers on foot | |
cavalry | soldiers on horseback | |
legion | Roman army | |
suit of armour | metal protective clothing worm by soldiers | |
chariot | two-wheeled vehicle pulled by a horse and used in ancient times for racing and war | |
galleon | large sailing ship with 3 or 4 masts used in trade and war in 15th-18th century | |
stagecoach | covered vehicle pulled by horses that carried passengers and goods on regular routes | |
cart | open vehicle with two or four wheels and pulled by an animal | |
serf | person working on the land who legally belongs to his master | |
jester | person who entertained people in the Middle Ages with jokes | |
minstrel | person who entertained people in the Middle Ages with music and poetry | |
highwayman | man on horseback who robbed travellers on roads | |