absolute poverty | poverty defined according to an absolute minimum standard, often called the 'poverty line' | |
relative poverty | when a person is poor in relation to those around him | |
income poverty | when sb is poor because he has less money than the defined poverty line for his country | |
human poverty | poverty that takes into account other factors (life expectancy, infant malnutrition, illiteracy) | |
malnutrition | ill health caused by inadequate food | |
illiteracy | inability to read and write | |
sanitation | systems for taking dirty water and wastes from homes to ensure good hygiene | |
Gross Domestic Product | GDP the total value of all the goods and services produced in a country in one year | |
Gross National Product | GDP + money earned from abroad by companies based in that country | |
poverty alleviation | reducing the level of poverty | |
debt servicing | paying back money owed on loans | |
penury | the state of beng extremely poor | |
to live on the breadline | to have the level of income of an extremely poor person | |
impoverished | poor, without much money to live on | |
destitute | without money, food, home, possessions | |
deprived | not having the things necessary for pleasant life - food, home, money | |
to live from hand to mouth | to have just enough money to live without suffering | |
money has been tight | expression: there has not been much money | |