wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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wszystkie zestawy
moje zestawy
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50- Personal finance: balancing your books
dodaj do moich zestawów
to be broke/skintto have to money left
I'm rolling in itexpression: I have a lot of money
to make ends meetto survive financially
things are a bit tightexpression: my finances are not good
to be strapped for cashto need cash and have very little
to bounce a chequewhen bank refuses to pay a cheque
to make a cheque out to sbto put sb's name on a cheque
to put/stick sth on credit cardinformal- zapłacić za coś kartą kredytową
to charge sth to credit cardformal- zapłacić za coś kartą kredytową
annual percentage rate of interestroczna stopa procentowa
to expireto be not valid after
credit card freudillegal use os someone's card or account
charge cardcard where you must pay back the whole debt each month
store cardcredit crad issued by a store/shop for that store
lump sumsingle, large payment; ryczałt
golden handshakelarge payment to someone on leaving a job; odprawa
endowmentcombined insurance and savings plan that pays out after a fixed period; polisa
life-savingsmoney saved over many years
share portfoliocombination of stocks and shares of different kinds
excess(US deductible) the portion of any claim that is not covered by the insurance provider
loan sharka person who lends money at extremely high interest rates to people in financial difficulty
pension plana scheme to provide you with an income when you retire
premiumthe amount you pay each month or year for an insurance policy
mortgagemoney you borrow to buy a house or flat
health coverinsurance you pay against illness
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