obituary | descriptions of the lives of famous people who have just died |
leader/editorial | an article giving the newspaper editor's opinion |
classified ads | pages of advertisements in different categories |
supplement | separate magazines included with the newspaper |
feature | an article or set of articles devoted to a particular topic |
agony columns | sections in a paper or magazine that deal with readers' private emotional problems |
agony aunt | person, typically a woman, who answers letters in the agony column |
pamphlet | small book with a soft cover, dealing with a specific topic, often political |
leaflet | single sheet or folded sheets of paper giving information about sth |
brochure | small, thin book like a magazine, which gives information, often about travel, or a company etc. |
prospectus | small, thin book like a magazine, which gives information about a school/college/university/company |
flyer | single sheet giving information about some event, special offer, etc., often given out in the street |
booklet | small thin book with a soft cover. often giving information about sth |
manual | book of detailed instructions how to use sth |
spine | grzbiet książki |
jacket | obwoluta (książki) |
subscription | prenumerata |
foreword | słowo wstępne, wstęp, przedmowa |
issue | wydanie / numer (np. magazynu) |
binder | okładka, oprawa |
edition | wydanie; nakład |
quarterly | kwartalnik |
ghost writer | someone who writes in someone's elses behalf |
desktop publishing | komputerowe wspomaganie prac wydawniczych; published using a home computer to design it |
facsimile | an exact reproduction in every detail |
to draw attention to | zwracać na coś czyjąś uwagę |
to give sb the lowdown on | udzielać komuś najważniejszych infomacji, najistotniejszych |
to be packed with useful tips | być pełnym cennych wskazówek |
small print | the part of a contract that contains reservations and qualifications printed in small type |