instant messaging | a kind of e-mail where both people are online at the same time |
chat room | an online conversation between a group of people on topics chosen |
newsgroup | a website where people with shared interests can get news and information |
e-commerce | all kinds of business done on the Internet |
attachment | files you send at the same time as e-mail messages |
browsing | looking at different websites, with no particular goal |
surfing the Web | moving from one website or one page to another, usually looking for sth |
graphic images | terchincal term for pictures, icons, diagrams, etc. |
Internet Service Provider | a company that offers users access to the Internet and services, usually for a monthly fee |
downloading | bringing files to your computer from the Internet |
uploading | sending files from your computer to the Internet or to another Internet user |
spam | unwanted advertisements and other material sent to you by e-mail from companies |
cookies | programme sent from the Internet to computer, can follow and record websites you visit |
offensive material | material such as pornography, or extreme political views, or encouraging hate/violence vs. people |
to bookmark | to put a website in a list of websites you can access immediately |
to subscribe to | to become a member of |
to screen out | to prevent from reaching you |
server | central computer that distributes e-mail/other services to a group of users |
to be down | to be not working |
to hack into | to access sth illegally |
anti-virus software | protection against computer viruses |
to bounce | to come back /e.g. e-mail when it cannot reach the given address |
garbled | series of meaningless letters and numbers |