wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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55- Health and illness I
dodaj do moich zestawów
to fight offto try to get rid of
to go down withto catch, usually non-serious illness
to get over sthto get better/recover
to recover fromto get better, used for more serious ilnesses
to suffer fromto be ill- used for more long-term problems
to die of/fromumrzeć na
healthcaregeneral expression for all the services offered by hospitals, clinics, dentists, opticians, etc.
national insurancetax paid by most adults which covers the costs of healthcare for everyone
National Health ServiceBritish name for the service that covers hospitals, clinics, dentists etc.
family doctor/general practitionerdoctor who looks after people's general health
surgerysmall centre with just two or three doctors
cliniclarge centre with several doctors and kinds of services
prescription chargecharge for the medication the doctor prescribes, which you pay at a pharmacy
to go privateto choose private healthcare
diabetesdisease where the body does not properly absorb sugar and starch
bronchitisinflammation in the breathing system, causing you to caugh
heart diseaseserious illness connected with the heart which can lead to a heart attack
cancerharmful tumour
tuberculosisinfectious disease in the lungs
choleraan intestinal disease that can be caused by drinking bad water
hepatitisinflammation of the liver
typhoidfever, with red spots on the chest and abdomen
heart attack/failurewhen the heart fails
to be poorlyczuć się kiepsko
to be on the mendpowracać do zdrowia
to feel a bit under the weatherbyć trochę chorym
to be back on one's feet againstanąć na nogi
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