wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Comprehension - Handout 1
Laissez-passerlet somebody pass
Equality of opportunitywhen everyone has the same chances
Selectivepupils take exams for entry
Comprehensiveeveryone enters without exams
Schoolingeducation received at school
Elitismwhen you favour a small privileged group
Inherent inexisting as a basic part of sth
League tableslists of schools or colleges from the best down to the worst
Perpetuatemake sth continue forever
Two-tier systema system with two separate levels
Perceivesee, consider
Well-endowedreceiving a lot of money in grants, gifts from rich people etc
Less well-offpoorer
Excelachieve an excellent standard
The three Rsreading, writing, arithmetic
Literacythe ability to read
Numeracythe ability to count/do basic math
Curriculum reformchanges the educational programme
Lifelong/continuing educationeducation for ages
Mature studentsadult students, older that average student
Special needs educationeducation for children who cannot learn in the normal way
One-to-oneone teacher and one pupil, not a group
Bullyingfrightening or threating
PTAkomitet rodzicielski
School governorsgroup which oversees all the business of the school
Supply teacherteacher who works in a school when needed (eg. if someone is sick)
Peripatetic teacherteacher who works in different schools and travel between them
Revise/cramstudy intensively for a short time
Past papersexam papers from previous years
Memorized/learnt by heartnauka na pamięć
Rote-learninglearning purely by the repetition
Mnemonicstricks that help you remember something
Bury yourself in your booksspend the maximum time studying
Know the subject inside outknow it completely
Mind-mapdiagram that lays out ideas for the topic and how they are connected to one another
First draftfirst, rough version
Plagiarismusing other people’s work as if it was yours
Deadlinedate by which you must hand in the work
Submittedhanded in (formal)
Assessedevaluated and given a grade
Feedbackcomments from the teacher/tutor
Carry outless formal “do”
Inter-library loansystem where libraries exchange books/journals with one another)
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