wordki.pl - nauka słówek
listopad 3.1
autor: tysiek
to opt for sthto choose sth
fizzywith a lot of bubbles
to toss and turnto be unable to fall asleep
adagea proverb, a maxime
the cold turkey symptompsthe symptomps when you give sth up immediately
ruefula feeling of sadness
to ingestto take into one's body, to absorb
to raise sb's hacklesto make sb angry
indicative ofto be the sign of sth
to fidgetto make small, restless movements
to exudeto cause to come out of sth/ to produce or give a feeling
beholdera person who sees sth
to be riveted to sthto be attracted
tantamount to sthequal to sth
to commissionto go swhr and ask sb to do sth for you for money
flagrantclear, obvious, unmistakeable
forthcomingabout to happen/ ready to help, give information
dogsbodya person who does boring, unpleasant jobs for others
waywarddifficult to control, guide
the presence of mindthe ability to be calm in the crisis
propensitytendency, inclination
manifoldmany and of different kinds
to shy awayto avoid
to gaugeto measure sth carefully
to ebbto go out/ to recede
to hold offto delay
to hold onto keep doing sth, to continue
to hold outnot to accept sth in order to get more
to hold with sthto approve of sth
expedientuseful, helpful, advisable
stopgapsb/sth that is a temporary substitute to another
ingrainedthat cannot be removed, deeply fixed
to dwindleto become less or fewer
to declineto get worse/ to refuse
to compromiseto discredit