gan3xie4xin4 | letter of thanks | |
wan4fen1 | very much, extremely | |
da3 gong1 | to work for others, to do a part time job | |
pu3tong1 | common, average | |
nong2min2 | peasant, farmer | |
qi1zi | wife | |
tu1ran2 | sudden, suddenly | |
xin1zang4bing4 | heart disease | |
fu4fa1 | recur, to have a relapse | |
yi4chang2 | unusual, abnormal | |
jin3ji2 | urgent, critical | |
bao4 | hold, carry in one's arms | |
xian4 | string, thread | |
zhuang4kuang4 | condition, state | |
quan2mian4 | overall-ogólny, comprehensive-obszerny, wszechstronny | |
jian3cha2 | check-up | |
duan4 | to break, definitely | |
jue2ding4 | to decide | |
li4ji2 | immediately | |
shou1ru4 | income, revenue | |
gen1ben3 | fundamental, basic | |
zhi1fu4 | pay | |
fei4 | cost | |
fen1fen1 | one after another | |
shen1chu1 | stretch, extend | |
yuan2zhu4 | help, support | |
juan1zhu4 | offer financial assistance | |
yi1liao2 | medical treatment | |
yao4jin3 | important | |
jiu4 | save | |
sheng1ming4 | life | |
ke3gui4 | valuable | |
wan4xing4 | by sheer luck, very lucky | |
xiang1dang1 | be equal to | |
gong1 | achievement, result | |
hu4shi | to nurse | |
jin4xing2 | to be in progress, to go on | |
jing1xin1 | elaborate-staranny | |
hu4li3 | nurse | |
bing4qing2 | patient's condition | |
shi3de | to make, to cause | |
hao3zhuan3 | improve | |
dui4yu2 | regarding | |
qi2ji4 | miracle | |
jian3zhi2 | practically | |
jin3 | only | |
yi1shu4 | medical expertise- wiedza, umiejętności specjalistyczne | |
de4 | ethics, morality | |
zhen1zheng4 | real | |
tian1shi3 | angel | |
gan3dong4 | to move sb | |
hui2bao4 | reciprocate- zrewanżować się | |
en1qing2 | great kindness | |
ji4zhe3 | to remember | |
shen1shen1 | deep, profound | |
da4xing1 | large-scale | |
hui4yi4 | meeting | |
zhi4yuan4zhe3 | volunteer | |
zheng3 | neat, tidy | |
zhao4gu4 | make allowance for-wziąć coś pod uwagę | |
pei4 | to accompany | |
jing3dian3 | touristic place | |
can1guan1 | to visit | |
du4guo4 | to spend | |
zhi4 | to send, to deliver | |
biao1ti2 | title | |
zuo4wei2 | to act as | |
tuan2ti3 | organization | |
zheng4wen2 | main text | |
yuan2qi3 | origin | |
he4 | to congratulate | |
xia4 | summer | |
xin1jian4 | new construction | |
xin1wen2 | happy, to hear | |
ru2jia1 | confucian | |
zhe2xue2 | philosophy | |
yan2jiu1 | research, study | |
ling3yu4 | field | |
tu1chu1 | prominent | |
cheng2jiu4 | success | |
huo4de2 | to obtain, to win, to gain | |
jin4qi1 | recent | |
she4hui4 | society | |
ke1xue2 | science | |
chuang4xin1 | innovation | |
zhi4yi1 | to express | |
zhu4he4 | congratulations | |
zhong1 | inner feelings | |
xue2shu4 | science | |
re4qing2 | passionate | |
re4'ai4 | to adore | |
qu3de4 | to obtain, to acquire | |
ling4ren2 | to make sb feel sth | |
yong3yuan3 | forever | |
yang3mu4 | to admire | |
jing1jing1ye4ye4 | cautious and conscientious | |
zhi4xue2bu4juan4 | pursue one's studies unfailingly | |
zuo4feng1 | style, way | |
bang3yang4 | model, exemplar | |
dao4lu4 | road | |
pan1deng1 | limb | |
re4lie4 | ardent | |
zhong1xin1 | wholehearted | |
wei4wen4 | express sympathy for | |
qin1qie4 | amiable | |
yun4dong4hui4 | sports competition | |
chang2pao3 | long-distance running | |
guan4jun1 | champion | |
jie1shou1 | to receive | |
dan1wei4 | one's workplace, unit | |
ming2cheng1 | name | |
mao4hao4 | colon | |