dismissed, told to leave | wyrzucony |
gloomy, dark and miserable | ponury |
twilight, the time just around sunset when night falls | zmierzch |
habitation, activity of living somewhere | zamieszkiwanie |
gathered, came together | zgromadzony |
proceeded, continued | kontynuowany |
beheld, saw | widziany |
portal, gate | brama |
fastened, secured | zabezpieczony |
enclosed, fenced | otoczony |
frame, surroundings | otoczenie |
desolate, abandoned | opustoszały, porzucony |
pattering, quiet tapping sounds/movements | tupot, stukot, pukanie |
dusk, around sunset | świt, zmrok |
foreign, alien | obcy |
scheme, programme | program |
appropriate, suitable | odpowiedni |
staff, workers | personel |
internship, period of practical training an advanced student has | staż |
validated, authorised | potwierdzony |
grants, amounts of money given for educational purpose | stypendia |
scholars, students | studenci |
self-reliance, independence | niepodległość, niezależnoćć |
option, choice | wybór |
academics, members of a university | członkowie uczelni |
backbone, strongest part | podstawa |
enable | umożliwić |
embrace | obejmować, zawierać |
promote | sprzyjać, promować, popierać |
launch | uruchomić |
validate | potwierdzić |
enrich | wzbogacić |
fund | fundusz, finansować |