wordki.pl - nauka słówek
semestralny 5
autor: tysiek
since time immemorialfor a long time/ throughout history
to take the initiativeto be the first person to act
to add insult to injuryto exacerbate, to make bad things even worse
to make inroads into sthto affect sth negatively, destructively
in the interests of sthin order to achieve a certain aim
in the interimin the meantime
to take issue with sbto disagree and start arguing
to have itchy feetto have a strong desire to travel
to be in jeopardyto be in danger
in a jiffyquickly
to jog one's memoryto make one remember sth
to jump for joyto be extremely pleased/happy
to reserve judgement on sb/sthto postpone giving an opinion before more is known
to do sb/sth justiceto reproduce sb/sth accurately and show how good it is
rough justiceunfair and unjust treatment
safe in the knowledgeconfidently
out of print(of books) not available any more
to be in one's primeto be at one's best
to be past one's primegrowing old/ not at one's best
to come to the pointto reach the main point in a discussion
to be out of practicelacking practice
off the pointirrelevant
to pop the questionto make a proposal of marriage
part and parcel of sthbasic part of sth
out of the frying pan into the firefrom a bad situation to a worse or similar one
a bitter pill to swallowa difficult fact to accept
to fall into placeto become clear