wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: emmka137
55-54 BCCeasar's landings
43 ADAulus Plautius-Roman commander
122beg of Hadrian Wall
410Romans leave
597St Augustine arrives in Kent and begins to convert the Saxons
450Invasions by Angles, Saxons and Jutes begin
od 600 do 9 th c7kingdoms
865The Danes invade England--Danegeld
1066William invaded ENG
1215magna carta
1921vote for Ireland -eng or not
1948Ireland Independent
1588The Spanish Armada is defeated
1605The gunpowder plot,
1642....Civil War
1665, 1666Great Plague, Great Fire of London
1607first colony
1756-63seven years war in America with FR
1764, 1765sugar act, stamp act
1773Boston Tea Party
1776 4th Julydeclaration of independence (US)
1783treaty of Paris