wordki.pl - nauka słówek
semestr. listopad/grudzien
autor: tysiek
to weatherto face sth and survive, to come safely through sth dangerous
volatileunstable, changeable
to cobble sth togetherto combine
to harrow sbto distress sb
outrightcompletely, clearly, directly
misnomera wrong use of a word, definition, description
intactuntouched, unharmed
conundruma mystery, a riddle
to close in on sthto come near and attack, to surround
obscurednot easily seen
to be privy to sthto be sharing in the knowledge of facts that are secrets
fortitudecourage, endurance
buffspeople who love sth, enthusiasts, partisans
to scurryto run with quick, short steps
aftermathconsequences, circumstances that follow sth
edificea large, imposing building
chagrina feeling of disappointment or annoyance
pertinent to sthrelevant to sth
disgruntleddispleaded, malcontent
self-containedthat doesn't need the company of others
precinctan area that is marked and can be used for certain purposes
to whisk aroundto move, go quickly
in the blinking of an eyevery quickly
demisedeath/ end
to seedto plant/ to place sth swhn in the space or people's minds
to shell sth out for sthto give money reluctantly
to inoculate against sthto vaccinate against sth
fervententhusiastic, passionate, hot
culpritwrong-doer, perpetrator
fringe zealotsmarginal fanatics or enthusiasts
harbinger of sthsth that announces that sth else will happen
direextreme/ terrible/ dreadful
to forestall sthto act before the other does sth to avoid unpleasant consequences
indigenousbelonging naturally
to rave outto speak too much about sth in a too enthusiastic way