bird-brained | stupid | |
scatterbrained | careless, forgetful | |
brainchild | sb's idea or invention | |
to brainwash | to make sb change their believes by very strong persuasion | |
brainwave | a sudden clever idea | |
brainy | intelligent (of a person) | |
to pick sb's brain | to question sb who knows a lot about a subject | |
abundant | obfity/bogaty | |
conspicuous | rzucający się w oczy/ evident | |
amiable | friendly | |
arduous | żmudny/mozolny = tedious | |
prevalent | rozpowszechniony/widespread | |
inexorable | unavoidable/bezwzględny,zaciekły | |
preposterous | absurdalny/niedorzeczny | |
irrevocable | unchangeable/nieodwołalny | |
work to rule | when wmployees do no more than the minimum required in order to cause a slowdown | |
hit the bottle | to get drunk | |
pluck up the courage | to force yourself to be breave enough to do sth | |
lead the field in | to be better than others | |
spare the rod | to be less strict toward the children | |
to be burn to the candle at both ends | to work very hard for sth (take too many things to do) | |
to bring the house down | to give a good performance | |
to paint the town red | to go celebrating/ go out | |
sth is on the house | tht is for free | |
to be in the dumps | to be depressed/ unhappy | |
to be full of beans | to be full of energy/lively | |
to hit rock bottom | be in the worst possible situation | |
to sweep sb off sb's feet | rozkochać kogoś w sobie | |
to make a killing | to earn a lot of money in quick and easy way | |
to be over the hill | to be old and not able to work | |
to keep a stiff upper lip | not show emotions | |
to have butterflies in stomach | to feel nervous and excited | |
to kick up your heels | to do things that you enjoy | |
it costs you an arm and leg | when sth is very expensive | |
terminate | to end sth | |
implement | wdrożyć coś w życie/introduce/carry out | |
intervene | zapobiec | |
infer | wywnioskować/deduce | |
discriminate | rozróżniać | |
enhance | increase | |
facilitate | make sth easier | |
constitute | stanowić | |
commence | to begin/ to start | |
volume of production | wielkość produkcji | |
what you wear speakes volumes about you | "to w co się ubierasz dużo o tobie mówi" | |
can be attributed | może być skutkiem | |
prior | wcześniejszy | |
cease | skończyć/przestać | |
justify | uzasadniać | |
forthcoming | upcoming | |
correspond | odpowiadać | |
scope | zakres | |
constrain | limited/krępowany | |
a wet blanket | a person that discourages enthusiasm or enjoyment | |
to be on a shoestring budget | consisting of a small amount of money | |
to rub sb up the wrong way | to annoy or irritate sb | |
to steal the show | to get all the attention and praise at an event or performance | |
work sb's way to the top | to make progress (powoli osiągać swój cel poprzez ciężką pracę) | |
a feather in sb's cap | a reason to pride yourseld on sth | |
scope for | when there is a possibility for sth | |