wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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autor: hppavilion
dodaj do moich zestawów
the top of the ladderthe highest position in ones profession
down-and-outperson with no job or home
up and cominglikely to become successful
call the shotsto make the important decision
the slippery slopesth that is difficult to stop once it has begun and ends badly
ave several irons in the fireto have several options at the same time
at full stretchusing all ones energy to do sth
a dead endsth which leads nowhere and has no future
adopt a low profileto avoid public attention
take a back seatto take position of less importance
have time on ones handsto have spare time
do ones own thingto whatevver one wants
keep up with the Jonesesto be in competition with other people for higher social standard
break the mouldto completly change sth is done
all the ragevery popular
just around the cornervery close in time
break new groundto make innovations
state of the artusing most modern techniques
streets aheadmore advanced
on the horizonlikely to happen soon
from scratchfrom the beggining and with no help
stand the test of timeto prove valuable over a lond period
in ones dayat the time in past when sb was popular.young
brand newcompletly new
move with the timesto progress with changing customs
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