a small animal with a long narrow soft body without arms, legs or bones; | a worm | |
the two organs in the chest with which people and some animals breathe; | lungs | |
a single sound at a particular level in music, or a written symbol which represents this sound | a note | |
an illness in which the body's solid waste is more liquid than usual and comes out of the body more | a diarrhoea | |
(informal) a toilet; | a loo | |
a roll of cloth or plastic that is hung at the top of a window and pulled down over the window; | a blind | |
an agreement in which you pay a company money and they pay your costs if you have an accident, injur | an insurrance | |
space that is used for something; | room | |
a device that is used for weighing people or things; | a scale | |
(informal) the part of the body that you sit on; | a bum | |
paragon | receipt | |
(informal) someone who is mentally ill or who behaves in an extremely silly way; | a nutcase | |
a plant with small green leaves that are used to season or decorate food; | parsley | |
the act of removing all unwanted material from a place; | a clear-out | |
pielucha | a nappy | |
a very cruel or terrible act or action; | an attrocity | |
a piece of curved glass which makes objects look larger than they are; | a magnifying glas | |
(informal) a man; (2 ways of saying) | a bloke, a chap | |
a small, simple building that is used especially for storing things; | a shed | |
a condition in which you are bleeding from your nose; | a nosebleed | |
an open container with a handle that is used especially to hold and carry water and other liquids; | a bucket | |
a stand or pole that has pegs, hooks or hangers that can be used for hanging coats and other clothes | a coat rack | |
(informal) wet dirt or mud; | muck | |
thick, heavy soil that is soft when wet, and hard when dry or baked, used for making bricks and cont | glina | |
a person who behaves in a very foolish way; | lunatic | |
used especially to describe a child who does not behave properly or obey a parent, teacher, etc.; | naughty | |
describes someone with serious injuries that affect their ability to walk or move; | crippled | |
very hot; | boiling | |
used to describe something that is so confusing, difficult, etc., that you feel unable to do it; | overwhelming | |
extremely or unpleasantly dirty; | filthy | |
used to emphasize what you are saying; | literally | |
not showing or expressing any thanks; | ungrateful | |
causing problems, worry or embarrassment; | embarassing | |
extremely good, attractive, enjoyable or pleasant; | smashing | |
not worth remembering; | forgettable | |
extremely lazy; | bone-idle | |
making you feel embarrassed; | embarassing | |
(insect, plant, animal) to hurt sb by piercing skin with a sharp part that usually contains poison; | to sting | |
to squeeze (someone's skin) between your thumb and finger often in a painful way; | to pinch | |
to kill someone by pressing their throat so that they cannot breathe; | to strangle | |
to knock down and drive over or go over (someone or something); | to run over | |
if something that you have been looking for _______________, you find it unexpectedly; | turns up | |
to make a small hole in something, or to get a small hole in something; | to puncture | |
to cut thin pieces from a large piece of cooked meat; | to carve | |
to avoid becoming involved in something; | to stay out of sth | |
to make something look larger especially by looking at it through a specially cut piece of glass; | to magnify | |
to change something, usually slightly, or to cause the characteristics of something to change; | to alter | |
to cause an injury to a joint (place where two bones are connected) in the body by a sudden movement | to spring | |
to express unhappiness about something = to complain; | to moan | |
(informal) to think or suppose (something); | to reckon | |
to give something to someone; | to pass sb sth | |
to slide without intending to; | to slip | |
to feel pleased and excited about something that is going to happen; | to look forward to sth | |
to die; | to pass away | |
to cause or allow (egg. such as part of your body) to hit something in a way that makes a loud noise | to bang | |
if someone _____________________, they fall to the ground; | falls over | |
to leave or get rid of (sth or sb) quickly or without concern; | to dump sth | |
to visit someone in their home; | to come round | |
(informal) to throw something away; | to chuck away | |
to express regret for doing or saying something wrong; | to apologize | |
to let out air from the stomach through the mouth with a sound; | to burp | |
this must stop; | enough is enough | |
to make someone extremely annoyed; | to drive sb mad | |
quickly and without warning; | all of a sudden | |
(informal) to urinate; | to have a wee | |
to get annoyed by something that you have experienced for too long; | to be fed up with sth | |
to make sb who is constantly criticizing you leave you alone; | to get off sb's back | |
to gradually become worse; | to go downhill | |
not to be able to endure something; | cannot bear sth | |
to annoy someone a lot; | to get on sb's nerves | |
to be the perfect size and shape for someone; | to fit sb like a glove | |
to bring someone very quickly to hospital; | to rush sb to the hospital | |
to put a cloth, knives and forks, etc. on the table in preparation for a meal; | to set the table | |