wordki.pl - nauka słówek
styczeń 1
autor: tysiek
a parting glancethe last look before leaving
by a whiskerby a small margin
to be no stranger to sthto be familiar with sth, to be accustomed to sth
to give sb a glareto look angrily
loftytoo proud, exalted
to have barring on sthto have influence on sth
barrenunable to produce any crops
flippantnot showing sufficient respect or seriousness
to reprooveto rebuke, to show one's disapproval
a reproofa rebuke
to huff and puffto break heavily because of exhaustion
to brandishto wave sth in a threatening way
to flauntto show up, to sport
gaitthe way of walking, running etc.
turmoilgreat disturbance
to tauntto try to provoke sb by critical remarks
to keep sth quietto keep sth secret
at close quartersfrom a short distance
to cut sb to the quickto deeply hurt sb's feelings
on the quietsecretly
to call it quitsto give up/ to stop
out of the questionimpossible
open to debateundecided/ unsettled
sth begs the questionsth makes people want to ask a particular question
to be in a quandaryto be confused, undecided
at unknown quantitya person or thing that one has no experience of
out of all proportionincompatible
to transfigureto change the appearance of sth
to convert sth into sthto change sth into sth
capacitythe amount of sth that can be put somewhere
onsetthe beginning of sth unplesant
influxan instance of arriving in great quantities
to mingle with sthto mix, to associate
to tiltto cause sth to move into a slopping position
to mergeto appear/ to join