wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Contract LAw
autor: paperheart
offera proposal, the terms of which are certain
acceptancean unconditional agreement to what is proposed by the other party
offerora person who makes an offer
precedenta decision of a judge in an earlier case that other judges must follow if the circumstances of s. as
casea set of arguments in a situation that might become legal or is already legal in nature
contractbinding agreement between two or more parties
obligedzobowiązany/ you must do sth, it's necessary to do it
unconditionalabsolute, without any doubts
partiesthe people who have entered into a contract
ratio decidendireasoning behind the decision
recordedwritten down
source of lawa place where law comes from, f.e. civil code
body of lawscollection of laws
pronouncementa judge's words at the end of a case giving his decision
a principle of lawaccepted idea that forms part of law
a factorsomething that is important to consider when making a decision
relevantof significance or importance to a particular situation
a claimantperson who starts the legal action
defendantperson who the claimant is making a claim against
sueto start an action against sbd in the civil court / pozwać
defectivefaulty - not working correctly
direct losssth that you suffer as a direct result of the breach of contract
bindingenforced by law
comply withzgodny z
conditionterms of the contract
terma single duty
transactionexchange or transfer of goods
consentto say yes
capacityzdolność prawna/ ability to form a contract
jurisdictionlegal power over a geographical area or people
injunctioncourt order to STOP doing sth
specific performancecourt order to DO sth
remedycompensation/ relief
to contrue/ constructionto interpret/ interpretation
to enforceto perform