array | variety | |
pose | stanowic | |
subsidize | dofinansowac | |
keep under lock and key | unavailable to others | |
raise the public awareness | wzbudzac swiadomosc | |
ingrossed in <story, film> | captivating | |
emphasis | klasc nacisk na | |
at sb's disposal | do kogos dyspozycji | |
reference books | np. Slownik, encyklopedia | |
enrich | wzbogadzic | |
develop a habit | miec nawyk | |
work around the clock | pracowac 24\7 | |
work against the clock | scigac sie z czasem | |
in suspense | w niepewnosci | |
to the best of my recollection\ if memory serves\ as far as i remember\ to the best od my knowlledge | as far as i know <4> | |
artificial smile | sztuszny usmiech | |
throw new lighton | come to light | |
voluntary soldier | ochotniczy zloniez | |
be in sb's bas books | sb doesnt like u | |
provoke emotion | wzbudzac emocje | |
restore | odnowic budynek | |
cannot see the point OF | there's no point IN | |
come at all hours | przyjdz kiedy chcesz | |
try my lack at sth | sprobowac szczescia w czyms | |
be lost on sb | not to understood by sb | |
discernment | perception | |
influence | determine | |
inexplicable | mysterious | |
benevolence | good-will. Poblazliwosc | |
devine | boski, spiritual | |
diversion, pastime | rozrywka, | |
affluent | wealthy | |
have a go at | try | |
prevalent | widespread | |
compulsive | habitual | |
enticement | temtation | |
immense | vast | |
impels | drives sb to | |
fictitious | imaginary | |
invincible | inbeatable, niezwyciezony | |
keep in storage | jest w magazynieq | |
unconvincing | nieprzekonywujacy | |
dreadful | horrible | |
authority | wladza | |
pay out your debt of gratitude | splacic dlug wdziecznosci | |
intolerable | niemozliwe do tolerowania | |
let down | zawiesc kogos | |
know sb apart | tell apart / rozroznic | |
cut up into | wyciac z materialu | |
ease off / ease on sb | odpuscic | |
dry up | wyschnac | |
give of sth | poswiecic cos, prezkazac komus | |
boils down to | sprowadza sie do | |
think through | przemyslec | |
brush up on | odswiezyc sobie <jezyk, przedmiot> | |
rule out | . | |
cover up | zalagodzic plotki | |
braek out | wybuchnac (o wojnie) | |
walk out on sb | odejsc od kogos | |
of sb's own free will | z wlasniej nieprzymuszonel woli | |
play into sb's hands | . | |
head over heels | do gory nogami | |
in great demand | rozchwytywany | |
have a sweet tooth | . | |
from top to bottom | od gory do dolu | |
change of heart | zmiana zdania | |
it saw better days once | kiedys bylo w lepszej formie | |
make headway | robic postep | |
take the joke | zrozumiec zart | |
as light as feather | lekkie jak piorko | |
follow sb's advice | podazac za czyjas rada | |
make your way home | wracac do domu | |
beyand all reason | niewiadomo skad, bezpodstawnie | |
be eager tosth/ for doing sth | want really much | |
in the manner of | w kwestii | |
faciliate | ulatwic | |
revive | bring back to life | |
aim at | obrac cel na | |
without fail | z pewnoscia | |
evoke sth | wywolac cos | |
responsive to | odpowiadajacy na, reagujacy na | |
disclose | reveal | |
alleviate | pozbywac sie | |
break out of | escape from | |
call forr | require | |
run down | obgadywac | |
go on | keep doing sth | |
give in | surrender | |
make up for | compensate for | |
ask out | invite | |
put up | built | |
blow up | powiekszyc zdjecei | |
drop out of | withdraw from | |
leak out | become known | |
sound out | discover | |
come off | to be successful | |
grow out of | wyrosnac z czegos | |
bring round | convince sb | |
grand | solemn <powazny> | |
overwhelming | powerful | |
irritable | easily annoying | |
negligible | of secondary importance | |
animate | alive | |
resolute | determined | |
prolific | productive | |
exemplary | the most suitavble to follow | |
fruitful | successful | |
exclusive | restricted | |
fundamental | basic | |
coarse | vulgar | |
hereditary | dziedziczny | |
topical | up-to-date | |
interpid | brave | |
corteous | very impolite | |
potable | drinkable | |
guerilla | partyzant | |
frost | mroz | |
substantial | big amount | |
income | dochod | |
apply to | concern | |
acquire | get | |
first-hand information | straight from the horse's mouth | |
ample choice | big choice | |