wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Comprehension - Handout 2
Working relationshiphow sb communicate and work together
Workmatesinformal: colleagues
Talk shoptalk about work
Hierarchicala structure with powerful and less powerful people
Pecking-ordera system where some people have the right to get benefits before others
To do a job-shareto have a 50% contract for the same job
Clock in & outuse an electronic card to record the time of entering and leaving work
Nine-to-five jobfixed hours
To work flexi-timenot fixed hours of working
Teleworkersomeone who works from his/her home
Shift workzmiana w pracy (np. dzienna)
Self-employedbyć swoim własnym szefem
To be a freelancerto work for different companies at different Times
To meet a deadlinehave sth finalized by a fixed day or time
Heavy workloadamount of work sb has to do
Glamorous jobvery exciting
Irregular/ antisocialdo not enable to have a normal social life
To be stuck behind a deskinformal: sitting in an office all day
To be stuck in a rutto be stuck in a job without the escape
Dead-end jobsjobs with no prospects of promotion
Mechanicalyou don’t have to think about what are U doing
Repetitivethe same thing every day
Knocking offinformal: finishing work
Monotonousboring because it never changes
Vocationaljobs which include helping people
Achieverspeople determined to succeed and achieve great things
Basicguaranteed minimum salary
Drivestrong motivation
Rewardinggiving U a lot back
Close-knitworking in a close relationship
Diverseof different types
Sales experienceexperience in selling things
Lucrativeproducing a lot of money
Maternity/paternity leaveurlop macierzyński/tacierzyński
Perks/extra benefitsextra things apart from salary
Holiday entitlementnumber of days U have the right to take as holiday
Incrementsinformal: rises
Reach/hit a glass ceilingreach a level where U cannot get further promotion
Overworked and underpaidoften said together
To staggerto walk as a drunk man
Scrape togetherto gather all is left
Regimentationextreme organization and control of people