a half | 1/2 | |
a quarter | 1/4 | |
a third | 1/3 | |
an eighth | 1/8 | |
five sevenths | 5/7 | |
three and two thirds | 3 2/3 | |
nought point three / point three | 0.3 | |
three point one five | 3.15 | |
x squared / x to the second power / x to the power of two | x^2 | |
x cubed | x^3 | |
the square root of x | pierwiastek z x | |
the cube root of x | pierwiastek trzeciego stopnia | |
the fifth root of x | pierwiastek piatego stopnia | |
x is approximately equal to 10 | w przyblizeniu | |
infinity | nieskonczonosc | |
tend | dążyć | |
x is greater/ less than five | x>/<5 | |
per cent | % | |
brackets | nawiasy | |
logarithm | logarytm | |
the logarithm of c to the base b | logbc | |
integral | calka | |
directly proportional | wprost proporcjonalny | |
parallel | równolegly | |
interval | przedział | |
sine | sin | |
cosine | cos | |
right angle | kat prosty | |
straight angle | kat polpelny | |
acute angle | kat ostry | |
obtuse angle | kat rozwarty | |
reflex angle | kat wklesly | |
external angle | kat wypukly | |
rectangle | prostokat | |
square | kwadrat/kwadratowy | |
triangle | trojkat | |
pentagon | pieciokat | |
circle | kolo | |
semicircle | polkole | |
equilateral | rownoboczny | |
right-angled | prostokatny | |
isosceles | rownoramienny | |
sphere | kula | |
hemisphere | polkula | |
tangent | tangens | |
subtraction | odejmowanie | |
solid | ciagla | |
broken | przerywana | |
dotted | kropkowana | |
wavy | falowana | |
horizontal | pozioma | |
vertical | pionowa | |
diagonal | ukosna | |
curved | zakrzywiona | |
perpendicular | prostopadla | |
intersecting | przecinajace sie | |
cube | szescian | |
cone | stozek | |
pyramid | ostroslup | |
cylinder | walec | |
rounded | zaokraglony | |
pointed | zaostrzony | |
concave | wklesly | |
length | dlugosc | |
width | szerokosc | |
wide | szerokosci | |
long | dlugosci | |
height | wysokosc | |
high | wysokosci | |
diameter | srednica | |
radius | promien | |
circumference | obwod | |