wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: justyna14
ARTICULATEclear, effective
RAMBLINGtoo long and confused
RESERVEDa person who is not outgoing and sociable
FLUENTable to speak easily and well
HESITANTindecisive, unsure
ELOQUENTtalkative, fluent
PERSUASIVEhaving the power or ability to persuade
SUCCINCTsay in a clear and short way
EXTROVERTan energetic, happy person
RIVETINGextremely interesting
WIREDnervous or tense
EVASIVEavoiding or escaping from difficulty
JADEDtired or bored sth
DECEITFULgiving the wrong idea or impression
PREJUDICEDshowing an unreasonable dislike for sb or sth
OFFENSIVEunpleasant or disgusting