wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: justyna14
ENHANCEto improve the quality or amount of sth
ALLOCATEassign, specify
DIVIDEto separate into parts
SUBORDINATEhaving a lower or less important position
OBJECTIVEaim, purpose
AUTHORITYthe power or right to control
TACTFULcareful not to say or do anything that could upset sb
EFFICIENTworking quickly and effectively
DIPLOMATICtactful in dealing with people
FLEXIBLEchangeable, elastic
INSPIRINGstimulating or exciting
RECOGNITIONapproval, appreciation
COMMITMENTdedication or loyalty
ACCESSIBLEeasy to enter or use, avaliable
DECISIVEhaving the power to decide
LEADERSHIPthe position as a leader
PACESETTERdemanding, supporting
TRIALthe act of testing or trying
STAFFthe group of people who work for an organization
GUTfeeling, intuition