wordki.pl - nauka słówek
present simple
autor: kasiak
Facts that are always true- fekty które sa prawdziweWater boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
Habits- nawykiBritish people drink a lot of tea.
States- stany/ don't like gangster films.
instreukcje przepisy-instruction and recipesFirst you roll out the pastry.- najpierw trzeba rozwałkowac ciasto
plany podruży- intineriariesOn day three we visit Stratford-upon-Avon
'Historic present' in narrative and funny stories- historia obecna i zabawne opowieściSo then the second man asks the first one why he has a banana in his ear and the first one says
Summaries of events- podsumowania wydarzeńMay 1945: The war in Europe conies to an end. ...At the end of the play both families realise that t
Making declarations Verbs describing opinions and feelings tend to be state verbs- opinie uczuciaI hope you'll come to my party. I bet you don't know the answer! I hereby declare this hospital open
Headline These are written in a 'telegram' style, and references to the past are usually simplifiedShip sinks in midnight collision.
nagłówek Są one zapisywane w "telegramu" stylu, a odniesienia do przeszłości są zwykle uproszczone pShip sinks in midnight collision.