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scholarshipan amount of money that is given by a school, an organization, etc., to a student to help pay for th
crushthe person for whom you have a strong feeling of romantic love not expressed and not lasting a long
choira group of people who sing together;
contraceptionthings that are done to prevent a woman from becoming pregnant;
adversaryan enemy or opponent;
standing ovationwhen the people in an audience stand up to clap at the end of a performance or speech because they l
wheelchaira chair on wheels which people who are unable to walk use for moving around;
dead-end joba job in which there is no chance of being promoted to a better, more important job;
janitora person who cleans a building and makes minor repairs;
nervous breakdowna sudden failure of mental health that makes someone unable to live normally;
fund-raiseran event that collects money, for example for a political organization or a charity;
comfort zonea place, situation, or level where someone feels confident and comfortable;
rehealsalan event at which a person or group practices an activity (such as singing, dancing, or acting) in o
vacancya job or position that is available to be taken;
the competitionthe person or people you are trying to be better than;
cripple(offensive) a person who cannot move or walk normally because of a permanent injury or other physica
mindseta person's way of thinking and their opinions;
win-wina result that is good for everyone who is involved in a situation;
doomedcertain to fail, suffer, die, etc.;
rewardinggiving you a good feeling that you have done something valuable, important, etc.;
bloodshotwhen your eyes are ______________, they are red or pink on the white parts;
devoted tohaving strong love or loyalty for something or someone;
abrasiverude and unfriendly;
chivalrousbehaving in an honorable or polite way especially toward women;
mesmorisinghaving someone's attention completely so that they cannot think of anything else;
offensivecausing someone to feel hurt, angry, or upset;
flatteredfeeling pleased and proud because someone has said good things about you or has made you feel import
anonymousmade or done by someone whose name is not known or not made public;
drabboring, especially in appearance; having little colour and excitement;
bossyalways telling other people what to do;
allergic tohaving an allergy;
knocked-up(informal, slang) pregnant;
superior tobetter than other people;
ridiculousextremely silly or unreasonable;
sobernot drunk or affected by alcohol;
rashdone or made quickly and without thought about what will happen as a result;
conceitedtoo proud of yourself and your actions and abilities;
to go for sthto accept or agree to (something, such as a plan or suggestion);
to tickleto touch someone lightly with your fingers, making them slightly uncomfortable and often making them
to accuse sb ofto say that someone is guilty of a fault or crime;
to shun sthto avoid someone or something;
to screw up(informal) to make a mistake in something;
to slack offto work more slowly and with less effort than usual, or to go more slowly;
to win sb overto persuade someone to support you or agree with you, often when they were opposed to you before;
to try outto compete for a position in a sports team or a part in a play;
to reciprocateto have a feeling for someone who has the same feeling for you;
talk sb intoto persuade someone to do something;
provide forto give someone the things they need such as money, food or clothes;
let sb offto not punish someone who has committed a crime or done something wrong, or to not punish them sever
charge sb withto publicly accuse someone of doing something bad;
justifyto give or to be a good reason for something;
to dismiss sbto officially make someone leave a job;
to laid offto stop employing someone, usually because there is no work for them to do;
to generateto cause something to exist;
to accomplishto succeed in doing something;
to break downto separate something into smaller parts so that it is easier to do or understand;
excell into be extremely good at something;
walk sb throughto slowly and carefully explain something to someone or show someone how to do something;
to rehealseto practise a play, a piece of music, etc. in order to prepare it for public performance;
to misjudge sbto have an unfair opinion about someone;
to unload onto tell someone about your problems, the things that worry you, etc;
to splurgeto spend more money than usual on something for yourself;
get byto be able to live or to do what is needed by using what you have even though you do not have much;
to run overif a vehicle or its driver _______________ someone or something, the vehicle hits and drives over th
to stutterto speak or say something, especially the first part of a word, with difficulty, for example pausing
to worshipto love, respect and admire someone or something very much, often without noticing their bad qualiti
to be out to get sbto force someone to leave a place or organization;
to launderto wash, dry and iron clothes, sheets etc;
to storm out ofto leave a place in a way that shows that you are angry;
to fetchto go to another place to get something or someone and bring them back;
inhanceto improve something;
to set a good exampleto behave in a way that other people should copy;
to be the cock of the walka man who is described as _________________ is very proud and successful or acts in a very proud way
to change sb's mindto form a new opinion or make a new decision about something which is different from your old one;
to be an itemif two people are said _______________________, they are having a romantic relationship;
on a wagonif you are ________________, you have decided not to drink any alcohol for a period of time;
out of the linenot right or appropriate;
to be going placesto behave or work in a way that shows you will soon become successful;
is hanging by a threadif a serious situation _______________, it means that even a slight change can decide what will happ
to put in a good word for sbto say positive things about someone;
on the fence aboutunable to decide about something;
living hand-to mouthto have just enough money to live on and nothing extra;
to saw the seed of sthto do something that will cause something to happen in the future; {CHECK THE PAST FORMS!)
in its headwayduring the most successful or popular period of someone or something;
have a lot on my plateto have a large amount of important work to deal with;
hands are tiedif someone’s _______________________, they are not free to behave in the way that they would like;
to be aliketo be similar to each other;
to bite off more than you can chewto try to do something which is too difficult for you;
to get back on sb's feetto start experiencing an improved situation after a time of trouble or difficulty or to help a perso
set your mind toto decide you are going to do something and to put a lot of effort into doing it;
to make ends meetto pay for the things that you need to live when you have little money;
get sth straightto make something clear, not complicated;
to be in owe ofto feel great respect for someone, sometimes mixed with fear or surprise;
out to get sbif someone is ________________ someone, they are trying to harm them;
from the top of my headfrom the knowledge you have in your memory;
give your noticeto tell your employer that you intend to leave your job after a particular period of time;
to land a handto help someone;
to lay eyes onto see someone or something for the first time; (CHECK PAST FORMS)
to be in spotlightto receive a lot of public attention;
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