wordki.pl - nauka słówek
test 1
autor: tysiek
superfluousmore than is needed
to yearn for sthto miss or to have a desire for sth
spike of stha steep increase of sth
to hide any skeletons in the closureto have some secrets
to intimidateto frighten, to cause sb to behave unnaturally
enamoredattracted, bewildered
to thwartto oppose/ to prevent, to frustrate
to churn outto produce a lot of things of low quality
to outwitto win or beat sb by being cleverer
to conjure sth upto form a mental picture, to imagine
to get sb's dender upto make sb angry, irritated
blithehappy, carefree
to elucidateto add sth to make it clear, to explain
a missivea long, official letter
intrepidbrave, undonted
hereinin this document, text etc.
appareloutfit, a set of clothes that one wears together
to keep sb at baynot to allow sb to come closer
to issueto bring out
to waiveto disregard
to ventto cause to express feelings/ to let your feelings flow out
to enactto introduce (a law)/ to stage (a play)
to howlto make a long, loud cry
to pamperto spoil
to strewto lie about everywhere
to sprinkleto shed small pieces of sth or drops of a liquid
to broadento become wider
to staggerto lurch, to walk with difficulty
to totterto walk with difficulty like if about to fall
to reel against sthto move unsteadily
to stumbleto hit against sth and almost fall
to glideto move smoothly, almost in the air
to nestle into make oneself comfortable when sitting
to tendto care for sth/ to make sth grow, be beautiful