wordki.pl - nauka słówek
test 2
autor: tysiek
to portrayto make sth be seen clearly, to depict
to shoveto push roughly
to heaveto lift sth heavy with an effort
to beget sthto cause sth/ to result in sth/ to be father
to commenceto start
to slideto move easily over a smooth or wet surface
to slipto slide a short distance by accident so that you fall (or almost fall)
to huddleto gather together closely (because of cold or fear)
to snuggleto come close for warmth or comfort
to cuddleto hold sb in one's arms in lovely way
to betrayto reveal one's secrets, to let sb down (strong!)
to divulgeto reveal one's secrets
to unveilto let sb be seen, to remove cover from sth
to discloseto give sb information about sth, especially secret
to totto carry with great effort
to thrustto push sb violently in a particular direction
to pileto store in a pile
to stemto stop sth
to chatto talk in a friendly, informal way
to chatterto talk quickly and continuously
to prattleto talk a lot but about unimportant things
to blab aboutto give away a secret by accident
to babbleto talk quickly in a way that is difficult to understand
to chopto cut into pieces with a knife
to sliceto cut sth into slices
to shredtp cut or tear sth into small pieces
leanwithout much flesh/ thin and fit/ containing little fat
to disembarkto leave a ship
jerkynot moving smoothly
to take for a rideto deceive
to demote sb from sth to sthto reduce to a lower rank
to wheezeto breathe noisly and with difficulty
to distortto misrepresent
to distendto make sth larger
to depletto run out
stringentnot allowing much (ex. rules)
contractualconnected with contract