wordki.pl - nauka słówek
test 3
autor: tysiek
contagiouseasily transmitted
congenitalpresent from birth
contentiouslikely to disagree
ingestiontaking food
incisiona cut
to notchto make a V-shaped cut in a surface
recurring(of injury) coming back
vertigofear of height
to nauseato get sick at sea
to press forwardto move through sth
to encapsulateto contain
respectivelyin the order mentioned
framework for sththe set of principles used to decide sth
to trampleto cause damage
mundaneboring, uneventful
to discard sthto get rid of sth
checkeredhaving good and bad moments
quick fixa fast way of improving a situation
insalubriousnot helpgiving
to have first hand experienceto experience sth by oneself
to jump the gunto be quick when doing sth