wordki.pl - nauka słówek
test 5
autor: tysiek
to remain unsurpassedwhen no one does better, to be the best
dwellera person that lives in a particular place
propensitypenchant, inclination, tendency
practitionera doctor to whom you go first when you're ill
to desist from sthto stop sth
to detractto retrace
scope for sthan opportunity for sth
to bring outto elicit, to issue
to conditionto teach, to train
adventarrival, appearance of sth important
to come down to sthto be a matter of sth
desolatedeserted, miserable
aridextremely dry
to attainto achieve
sparsenot dense
to go with sthto match sth
a golden handshakemoney/gift given to sb who retires
a shop flooran area in the factory where goods are made
just the jobexactly what is needed
to take sth as readto treat sth literally
a good joba fortunate state of affairs
at all eventswhatever happens
to say sth under one's breathto say sth very quietly
to take it out on the dogto be deliberately unkind because one is angry
crudenatural in form
to live at subsistence levelto have barely enough money to survive
to replenishto refill
to overflowto go beyond
eyesorea thing that is unpleasant to look at
blemisha mark that spoils the beauty of sth
to crowto boast in a noisy manner
to wolf sth downto eat sth quickly and greedily