wordki.pl - nauka słówek
test 7
autor: tysiek
unbridlednot restricted in any way
conjecturea picture formed in sb's mind
upsurge in sthan increase in sth
backwatera place unaffected by progress and new ideas
aficionadoan enthusiast
mind-blowingcausing mental excitement
to empowerto give power
to thriveto prosper, to flaurish
to incinerateto destroy by burning
to gloss overto treat sth briefly
perishable(of things) that go off easily
collapsiblethat can be folded into a compact shape
to gear up for sthto make oneself ready for sth
fictitiousinvented, not real
parablea story told to illustrate some moral or spiritual truth
rapaciousgreedy for money
rapacitygreed for money
to observeto obey
observancean instance of obeying
wheezea good idea/ a joke
in the uppermostthe most important