wordki.pl - nauka słówek
test 9
autor: tysiek
derivationorigin, first meaning of a word
fraught with sthfull of sth
to snuffleto make sniffling noises
to fizzto produce bubbles
secludedfar away from commotion
to convenueto gather in one place
by all accountsaccording to what everybody says
to tauntto try to provoke sb by critical remarks
jitterya feeling of stress
underlyingforming the basis for sth
to lash out on sthto spend money freely and extravagantly
to shy awayto avoid
to warrantto guarantee, to deserve
prevalentpresent almost everywhere
exclusionaryevolving exclusions
landmark studya very important stage in some field
to entangleto cause sth to become twisted
entanglementan instance of being involved, entangled
to vacillateto sway/ to change one's emotions
concurrent with sthhappening or existing in the same time
to that endfor that purpose
to defuseto make sth harmless/ to reduce the dangerous tension
to dwarfto make sth seem smaller
to carry a tuneto sing sth only by listening it
to root for sbto cheer for sb/ to be happy with sb
to portendto be a sing or a warning
to unnerve sbto cause sb to lose self-control
ciphera person/a thing of no importance
to tailor sth to sthto adapt sth for particular needs