wordki.pl - nauka słówek
luty 1.1
autor: tysiek
navigablethat can be navigated
namesakea person who has the same name
onrusha strong forward rush or flow
nondescriptwithout any characteristical features
quizzicalsurprising and demanding some answer
offhandwithout looking it up
nonplussedconfused, puzzled
to offloadto get rid of sth by passing it to sb else
ingoingsthe money that is paid to your bank account
outgoingsthe money that you spend
piecemealpiece by piece
peerlesssuperior to all the others
pockmarkany hollow mark left on the skin after some infection
noncommitalnot showing what he really thinks
to pontificateto speak as if you were the only one who has a right opinion
pitfalla trap
preparatorypreparing for sth, introductory
preparednessa state of being prepared
praiseworthydeserving praise
to pussyfoot aroundto wonder/ to risk without thinking of consequences
threadbareweary and thin
to give sb the runaroundto treat sb in a deceitful, evasive manner
socialitea person that attends many parties
stopgapsb/sth that acts as a temporary substitute
shoehorna device that helps to put shoes on
to run on a shoestringto have little money to spend