wordki.pl - nauka słówek
luty 2
autor: tysiek
punctilioustaking care of every detail
fita sudden attack of epilepsy
sprylive and active
overtures to/of sthfriendly proposals or approaches
lithebending easily, flexible
to scud awayto move fast, straight and smoothy
constitutionthe condition of one's body
upshota final result, outcome
to acquitto free sb of guilt in court
to exonerateto free sb of guilt
to find oneself at painsto make particular effort to accomplish sth
unequivocalclean, having one possible meaning
backlogaccumulation of work/business not yet attended to ??
unimpeachablethat cannot be doubted, trustworthy, honest
delugea great flood
to gushto flow out rapidly and in great quantities
to fetchto go somewhere and bring sth/ to be bought or sold for particular amount of money
gistthe main points
to counter sth with sthto oppose
to rattleto make sb nervous or alarmed
hazynot sufficiently clear, gloomy
tediousboring, taking long
momentousvery important, serious
momentarylasting for a short period of time
to come over as sthto turn out to be sth
to babbleto speak carelessly
to prattleto speak in a childish way
to get throughto use up/ to reach sb on the phone
to rambleto walk for pleasure, without destination
to rumbleto reveal
fallacycommon, erroneous belief
susceptibleprone, likely to suffer
to hold downto continue to have
pettynot much/ not very serious
in termsas regards
to reelto sway/ to pull fishes with a rod
to reel offto recite sth without a break
to spurnto turn down with contempt
groundedbased on