scandal, an event thought to be shocking | skandal |
propelled, caused to move | napędzać, pchać do przodu |
edition, number of papers etc printed at one time | nakład, wydanie |
scoop, newspaper story | sensacyjna wiadomość |
reputation, name | opinia, reputacja |
expose, uncover | odsłaniać, wyjawiać |
disguise, appearance altered to hide your real identity | przebierać się za kogoś, maskować |
undercover, secret | tajny |
corrupt, dishonest | skorumpowany, nieuczciwy |
targeted, aimed at | cel |
outcry, strong reaction of disapproval | głośny sprzeciw, krzyk |
outraged, angry and shocked | oburzenie, zniewaga |
humiliating, causing a feeling of shame | upokarzający |
scenery, landscape | krajobraz |
evolutionary, relating to a process of development | ewolucyjny |
species, class of plant or animal | gatunek |
abundant, plentiful | obfity |
biodiversity, wide variety of plant and animal life | różnorodność w przyrodzie |
marine, of the sea | morski |
pristine, extremely clean | nieskazitelnie czysty |
towering, extremely tall | bardzo długi |
lush, full of vegetation | bujny |
dynasty, series of rulers from the same family | dynastia |
shortage, lack | brak, deficyt |
rummaging, searching for sth by moving other things around | szperać |
throng, big crowd of people | tłok |
decline, decrease in importance | upadek, pogorszenie |
vintage, classic | klasyczny |
plethora, large amount | nadmiar |
jostled, pushed into by people's bodies | przepychać się |
aristocrat, member of the upper classes | arystokrata |
integrated, connected | połączony |
the elite, people of high social standing | elita |
window-shop, look at goods for sale without buying anything | oglądanie wystaw sklepowych |
instigation, call for action | namowa, podjudzanie |
mammoth, very large | olbrzymi |
upheavals, dramatic changes | przewrót |
renowned, famous | sławny |
upmarket, high-class | ekskluzywny |