wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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autor: demo
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sales representativeprzedstawiciel handlowy
product managerkierownik, zarzadca
sales and marketing managermanager od sprzedarzy i reklamy produktow
managing directordyrektor naczelny, glowny
executive secretarysekretarka dyrektora
finance directordyrektor od spraw finansowych
personal managerosobisty manager(organizator)
CEOchief executive officer
COOchief operating officer
CFOchief financial officer
VPvice president marketing
VPvice president human resources
VPvice president research
R&D research and developin R&D people reserach and develop new products
customer servicesthe part of an organization which answers customers' questions
human resourcesthe department of an organization that deals with finding new employees, keeping records about(...)
human resources(...) all the organization's employees and helping them with any problems
sales and marketingactivities for selling and advertising products and for increasing sales by understanding what(...)
sales and marketing(...) customers want, how much they will pay, etc.
productionthe process of making or growing goods to be sold
financethey managed about company finance. They find a money to invest
administrationthey do paper work.The arrangments and tasks needed to control the operation of a plan or organizati
legalrepresant company called, legal problems, create contracts. connected in law
logisticsthe careful organization of a complicated activity so that it happens in a successfulANDeffectiveWAY
Public relationsthe activity of keeping good relationships between an organization and the people outside it
IT information technologythe science and activity of using computers and other electronic equipment to store and send informa
sales representativesomeone who is responsible for selling the product to customers
product managersomeone who heads the department responsible for manufacturing the product
sales and marketing managersomeone who heads the department that the advertise and sells the product
managing directorsomeone who heads a company and is responsible for its running
executive secretarysomeone who does secretarial work for top management
receptionistsomeone who sits in the lobby, answers the phone, and greets visitors
finance directorsomeone responsible for running the company's financial affairs
personal managersomeone who heads the department responsible for staff matters, such as the hiring of employess
R&D Managersomeone who heads the department responsible for scientifie research and the development of new prod
accountantsomeone who keeps the account in the finance department
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