consolation prize | nagroda pocieszenia | |
telltale sign | a sign indicating that sth exists or has occured | |
conviction | przekonanie | |
sympathy | współczucie, wzajemne zrozumienie | |
handicap ramp | podjazd dla niepełnosprawnych | |
extracurricular activity | zajęcia dodatkowe | |
persecution | prześladowanie | |
circumstances | okoliczności | |
ups and downs | wzloty i udadki | |
self-esteem | poczucie własnej wartości | |
breeze | sth easy to achieve, often unexpectedly | |
compassion | współczucie | |
humiliation | upokorzenie | |
oblivious to | not conscious of sth | |
impartial | bezstronny | |
anonymous | not named or identified | |
bold | brave | |
mediocre | przeciętny | |
deplorable | very bad | |
to intimidate | nastraszyć | |
biased | stronniczy | |
illiterate | analfabeta | |
over-the-counter | bez recepty | |
contemptible | zasługujący na pogardę | |
insensitive | niewrażliwy | |
mandatory | obowiązkowy/przymusowy | |
impeccable | perfect/with no problems or bad parts | |
fragile | kruchy/delikatny | |
hesitant | niezdecydowany | |
complacent | pewny siebie/swoich umiejętności, uważa, że więcej nic nie musi robić | |
mutual | wzajemny/wspólny/obustronny | |
moonlight | dorabiać | |
whine | to complain | |
jeopardizing | wystawiać na niebezpieczeństwo | |
make it up to sb | wynagrodzić coś komuś/zrekompensować | |
rave about | zachwycać się kimś/czymś | |
discriminate against | dyskryminowac kogoś | |
sue | pozwać kogoś | |
mingle | to move around and talk to other people at a social event | |
clarify | wyjaśnić coś | |
root for sb | trzymac za kogoś kciuki/wspierać kogoś | |
berate | to criticize or speak in an angry manner to sb | |
empower | upoważnić/ umożliwić coś komuś | |
pass out | zemdleć | |
stalk sb | nachodzić kogoś | |
stand for it | (usually negative) accept sth | |
advocate | to publicly support or suggest an idea, development or way of doing sth | |
pitch in | to join in and help someone with something | |
stuck up for sb | wstawić się za kimś | |
be up to sth | to be doing sth/ often bad or illegal | |
reciprocate | odwzajemniać | |
pit against | to set someone or something in opposition to someone or something | |
back off | odsunąć się/ odejść | |
undermine | to make sb less confident, less powerful or less likely to succeed | |
don't know the first thing about sth | to know nothing about subject/person | |
put in jeopardy | to put sth in danger | |
press charges | to accuse sb of a crime | |
burst into tears | wybuchnąć płaczem | |
be in a coma | zapaść w śpiączkę | |
work like a charm | to be very effective (in a surprising way) | |
clear the air | oczyścić atmosferę | |
be off the record | to be a secret | |
be at each other's throats | to argue angrily | |
sb's hands are tied | when sb can't behave in the way that he/she would like to | |
got sth in the bag | mieć to jak w banku | |
cut a deal | to reach an agreement | |
wing it | to do/try to do sth without much preparation | |
out of line | niestosowne | |
take advantage of sth | wykorzystać coś całkowicie | |
take tumble | to fall syddenly | |
have the guts to do sth | mieć odwagę sprostać czemuś | |
IN a wheelcher | na wózku inwalidzkim | |
do chores | to do small jobs around the house | |
in hindsight | the ability to understand, after something has happened, | |
lay - laid- laid the law | to tell people what they must do without caring about their opinions | |
cut to the chase | przejść do rzeczy | |
stuck sb's neck out for sth | to do/say sth you think is important even though it may have bad results | |
curry favour | wkradać się w czyjeś łaski | |