content | zawartość | |
extended | przedłużony | |
accurate | dokładny | |
besides | oprócz | |
state | stan | |
superlatives | superlatywy | |
in order | w celu | |
essentioal | niezbędny | |
youth | młodzież | |
on the whole | na ogół | |
personal qualities | cechy osobiste | |
cover | okładka | |
influence | wpłynąć | |
indication | wskazanie | |
reader | czytelnik | |
hesitate | wahać się | |
surveillance | inwigilacja | |
either | bądź | |
neither | ani | |
bother | niepokój | |
fed up | bored, annoyed, or disappointed, especially by something that you have experienced for too long | |
make eye contact | when two people look into each other's eyes at the same time | |
gossip | talk about other people's private lives | |
swinger | a person who dresses in a fashionable way and who goes to a lot of parties and nightclubs, or someon | |
butt in | interrupt someone who is talking | |
overhear | accidentally hear what other ppl are saying without their knowledge | |
have a row | argue, especially loudly | |
witter on | talk about unimportant things for a long time | |
grumble | complain about sb or sth | |
chat | talk to sb in a friendly informal way | |
bicker | argue about unimportant matters | |
chat (sb) up | talk to sb in a way that show them that you are sexually attracted to them | |
on the same wavelength | with similar views | |
on purpose | intentionally, not by accident | |
on good terms | have a good relationship with one another | |
on a regular basis | happening or going sth often | |
on average | typically | |
in phases | for short, irregular periods of time | |
in the long run | after a very lengthy period of time | |
in touch/in contact | in communication (with) | |
in common | sharing interests, experience, or other characteristics with someone or sth | |
out of habit | sth you do often, without thinking about it | |
out of your depth | without the knowledge or skills to deal with sth | |
out of control | not under the authority or power of someone | |
out of fashion | being unpopular at a particular time, especially clothes, hair, etc. | |
out of necessity | becouse of a need | |
high road | a way of competing successfully in business by emphasizing employee needs, such as training, good pa | |