rout | trasa | |
vast | rozległy | |
entail | pociągać za sobą | |
pedestrian area | deptak | |
pedestrian | pieszy | |
vanish | znikać | |
hijack | uprowadzać | |
nap | drzemka | |
flee | uciec | |
offend | obrazić | |
likely | prawdopodobnie | |
surely | pewnie | |
cleft | rozszczep | |
land line | stacjonarny | |
contradiction | sprzeczność | |
though | chociaż | |
tend to confide | zwykle się zwierzyć | |
an attempt | próba | |
to trick | oszukać | |
deceive someone | oszukać kogoś | |
particular | szczególny | |
biped | stworzenie 2nożne | |
resolution | uchwała | |
dense state | gęsty stan | |
expansion | rozbudowa | |
expand | rozszerzyć | |
drool | ślinić | |
unraveling | rozwikłanie | |
mysteries | tajemnice | |
bang | wybuch | |
stand up straight | wyprostować | |
fate | los | |
fade into darkness | zanikać w ciemności | |
leap | przeskoczyć | |
pile of leaves | stos liści | |
set in motion | wprawiane w ruch | |
inward | wewnętrzny | |
outward | zewnętrzny | |
collapse | upadek | |
nutrition | odżywianie | |
swap papers | zamienić papiery | |
run low (on) | wyczerpać się | |
at the till | przy kasie | |
blissfully | błogo | |
reply | odpowiedzieć | |
diary | pamiętnik | |
total price | łączna cena | |
aware of time | świadoma czasu | |
amount | ilość | |
niceness | uprzejmość | |
pushy | nachalny | |
friendliness | życzliwość | |
every bit as | tak samo | |
bit as | nieco jak | |
ahead of you | przed tobą | |
brisk | rześki | |
wrap | owinąć | |
slump | kryzys | |
pretend | udawać | |
overused | nadużywane | |
wander into | wejść do | |
perky | dziarski | |
lie | leżeć | |
gritted teeth | zaciśnięte zęby | |
apparently | widocznie | |
turn-off | boczna droga | |
appoint | wynaczać | |
genuinely | autentycznie | |
those | tych | |
insincere | nieszczery | |
to adapt | przystosować | |
out of order | sb says or does ,which's unpleasant or not suitable and it's likely to upset or offend ppl | |
bigheaded | thinking that you are more important or cleverer than you really are | |
put up with sth/sb | to accept or continue to accept an unpleasant situation or experience, or someone who behaves unplea | |
dawn | the period in the day when light from the sun begins to appear in the sky | |
the dawn of sth | the start of a period of time or the beginning of something new | |
from dawn to dusk | from early morning until night | |
dusk | the time before night when it is not yet dark | |
run-in with someone | you have a serious argument with them or you get into trouble with them | |
run into sth | If you run into problems, you begin to experience them | |
swing | to move easily and without interruption backwards and forwards or from one side to the other | |
stretch (yourself) out | to lie with your legs and arms spread out in a relaxed way | |
spread out | If ppl, they move from being close together in a group to being in different placesAcrossALargerArea | |