wordki.pl - nauka słówek
med i-z
autor: Emika
immunizationan administration of a mediacal substance to help protect a person against a disease (uodpornienie)
impactan influence or effect sth or someone has on an object,person (wpływ)
injectionthe insertion of medicine into the body through a needle(zastrzyk)
inspectiona visual examination of a part of the body (kontrola, badanie)
intensitythe degree or extent of sth (intensywność, nasilenie)
intermittentsporadyczny, przerywany
lab techniciantechnik laborant
large intestinejelito grube
latex glovesrękawiczki lateksowe
laxativeśrodek przeczyszczający
licensea document stating that a person is capable of doing sth and has official permission to do so
licensedposiadający licencje
licensure exama test administered by a state board of nursing ...
lung cancerrak płuc
mildłagodny, umiarkowany
moderateumiarkowany, średni
nurse practitionera nurse with advanced training that can diagnose and treat certain problems
objective datahealth information that an observe can see and test
obstetriciandoctor trained in caring for pregnat women
oxygen tankzbiornik z tlenem
painkillera drug that reduces physical pain
palpationthe process of examining of the body by touch
pathologythe medical discipline that deals with the study and diagnosis of diseases
patient flowproces od przyjecia do wpisania pacjenta
percussionthe process of examining the body by tapping various parts
pharmacistaptekarz, farmaceuta
physical exama process in which a doctor examines a person's body to check for illness
plasmathe part of blood in which blood cells are susended
plateletan irregularly-shaped cell that circulates in one's blood and causes clots
point of entrysth that provides access to a particular area
registered nursepielęgniarka dyplomowana
respiratory systemukład oddechowy
re-orderponowić zlecenie
sedativeśrodek uspokajający
severepoważny, ciężki (choroba)
sharp containerpojemnik na ostre rzeczy
shortagea deficiency of sth that is needed
small intestinejelito cieńkie
sore throatból gardła
stimulantśrodek pobudzający, stymulator
stuffyduszny( o pomieszczeniu)
subjective datadane subjektywne
suppositorya pill that in inserted into person's rectum
syringea container shaped like a tube that is used to draw liquid out of or into sth
unbearablenie do wytrzymania (o bólu, cierpieniu)
universal donordawca uniwersalny
vaccinea substance given to a person to help them become to immune to a disease
valvezawór, zastawka
vena cavażyła główna
ventricleone of the two lower chambers of the heart
wheelchairwózek inwalidzki