wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: agn231
clear upif a rash or a cold does it, it goes away
come out in a rashwhen a rash or spots start covering part or all of your body
come out of a comawake up from a coma
come round/come toto regain consciousness after you have fainted
go down with sthto become ill with sth
pass outto faint, to lose consciousness
pull throughsurvive and recover from a serious illness
put sb on sthto prescribe some medicine to sb
put sb on a dietto tell sb to go on diet
put your back outhurt your back, often because you have tried to lift sth very heavy
shake (sth) offto get rid of sth
take a tooth outremove a tooth
wear offstop having an effect
blinding/splitting/thumping headachevery bad headache
bugillness which is easily caught but which is not serious and probably lasts for two or three days
a stomach/tummy bugnot serious illness that affects the stomach
feel as right as rainto feel 100% well, after having previously felt ill
highly infectious diseasea disease that is very easily passed from one person to another
have/suffer a nervous breakdownto become extremely depressed and unable to cope
have (got) poor eyesightnot to be able to see well
be hard of hearingnot to be able to hear very well
runny nose/ nose is runningkatar
be seriously illto be very ill and probably in hospital as a result
shooting painssudden sharp pains
sore throatwhen your throat hurts
stinking colda very bad cold
have a touch of fluto have some of the symptoms of flu
feel a bit under the weather/off-colourto feel slightly ill
have an upset stomach/have a stomach upsetnot be able to keep anything in your stomach because you have probably eaten or drunk sth bad
alleviate (the) pain/symptomsto reduce the amount/effect of pain/symptoms (used also with boredoom, problem, anxiety, poverty)
contract a disease/illnessto catch/fall ill with a disease; not used with minor illnesses in spoken English
give bloodto voluntarily have blood taken form you
make a recoveryto recover, to get better
make a full recoveryto recover completely
nurse sb back to healthhelp sb get better
perform an operationto operate on sb
reduce the swellingdo sth or take some medicine which will return the swollen part of your body back to its normal size
regain consciousnessto "wake up" having previously fainted/been unconscius; to come round/to
respond to treatmentget better as a result of taking a particular medicine
take effectto start to work (for a medicine, a painkiller, etc.)
treat an illnessto try and cure an illness
undergo surgeryformal, to have a surgeon operate on you
be admitted to hospitalto be taken into hospital
be allergic to sthwhen your body reacts to something in a negative way
be on antibioticsto be taking antibiotic medicine
cure for a diseasea medicine or medical treatment that will get rid of an illness or a disease
die of sthto be dead because of sth
be discharged from hospitalto be allowed to leave hospital
be in intensive careto be in a hospital ward where people who are very ill are treated and looked after
be on the mendto be getting better
operate on sbto treat sb by cutting open part of their body and removing or repairing sth
get medicine on prescriptionwhen you must have a prescription to get medicine
over the counterwhen you don't need to have a prescription to buy medicine
be rushed to/into hospitalto be taken to hospital very quickly
be in good shapeto be fit and healthy
be under a lot of stressto be unable to relax because you're worrying a lot
suffer from sthto have a particular illness or disease
be susceptible to sthto be the kind of person who easily catches a disease or illness
hang by a threadwhen youre life is..., you're very ill and likely to die
take its toll/a heavy toll onto have a bad effect on
enjoy good healthcieszyć się dobrym zdrowiem
reduce stress levelszredukować stres
build up your strengthwzmacniać się
do plenty of exercisewykonywać wiele ćwiczeń
gentle exercisełagodne ćwiczenia
do sportuprawiać sport
watch what you eatuważać na to, co się je
go on dietprzejść na dietę
buil up resistancewzmacniać odporność
serious medical conditionpoważny stan zdrowia
have an operationmieć operację
course of medicationkuracja, leczenie
make a full recoverycałkowicie wyzdrowieć
exceed the recommended doseprzekroczyć wskazaną dawkę
take an overdosetake too much of a drug
side effectsefekty uboczne
adverse reactionsreakcje negatywne, niepożądane
streaming colda heavy cold
shake off a coldget rid of a cold
be in poor healthnot be very well
infectious diseasediseases caught from someone with that disease
rare illness/diseasean illnoss that seldom occurs
critically illextremely/dangerously ill
fight for one's lifein danger of dying
fall into a comabecome unconscious
come out of a comaregain consciousness
massive heart attacka very serious heart attack
untimely/premature deathdeath at too, early an age
sense of achievementfeeling of having succeeded
sense of purposefeeling of having a clear aim
sigh of reliefhappy feeling that something bad has not happened
feel a shiver down one's spinefeeling of excitement (or sometimes fear)
surge of adrenalina sudden increase in adrenalin
burst of energya feeling of being full of energy
state of euphoriaa feeling of excited happiness
sheer blissa feeling of calm happiness
my heart leaptmoje serce podskoczyło
lifelong ambitionżyciowy cel, pragnienie
dream come truespełnione marzenie
high hopeswielkie nadzieje
go into rapturesexpress one's extreme pleasure and excitement
jump for joypodskoczyć ze szczęścia
dead keeninfml very keen
find happinessodnaleźć w czymś szczęście
sth doesn't live up people's expectationssth isn't as good as expected
work to one's advantagebe of benefit to sb
pure luckczyste szczęście
cautiously optimisticpowściągliwie optymistyczny
take delight inczerpać przyjemność z (d)
profound admirationgłęboki podziw
get the recognition one deservesmieć taką rozpoznawalność, na jaką się zasługuje
take pleasure fromformal find great enjoyment in
express one's admirationwyrazić uznanie
great pleasurenot BIG pleasure
nasty shocknieprzyjemny, paskudny szok
black eyepodbite oko
fit of jealousyprzypływ zazdrości
sick with worry/worried sickbardzo się martwić
harebrained schemecrazy plan
shatter one's confidencemake sb lose all their confidence
take exception to sthobect to sth, be annoyed by sth
sth fills me with dreadsth makes me feel very upset and worried, about sth in the future
give vent to one's frustrationexpress one's feelings of frustration; only with negative feelings
admit defeataccept that one will not succeed
bottle up one's feelingswhen sb does not express their feelings
increase your stress levelsmake yourself feel more stressed
outpouring of griefwidespread expr. of sadness caused by someone's death
in a state of shockw szoku
inconsolable griefniepocieszony żal -,-
hasten one's deathmake sb die sooner
threat of civil warwidmo wojny domowej
hang over the countrywisi nad krajem (widmo wojny domowej)
intense dislikesilna awersja
lapse of judgementpoor judgement
disparaging remarkunpleasant comment
fuel fearsmake sb feel more afraid
retaliatebrać odwet
suffer rough treatmentbyć surowo traktowanym
at the hands ofw rękach
to be left with little alternativenie mieć zbyt dużego wyboru
hurl insultsrzucać obelgi
take a sideswipe atmake a critical remark about one thing while talking about sth else
laughable ideaśmieszny pomysł
pose a threatstanowić zagrożenie
to be in for a shockto get a nasty surprise