adversity | difficult or uinlucky situation | |
gimmick | trick | |
haunt | place that you go often | |
schenanigan | machlojka | |
demeanor | postawa | |
stool | stolek | |
fraud | oszust, naciagacz | |
breather | chwila wytchnienia, przerwa | |
legacy | sth caused by sth from earlier time | |
peer | rowiesnik | |
blackmail | szantaz | |
solitude | samotnosc | |
remorse | poczucie winy | |
makeover | process of making changes to improve your appearance | |
equality | rownosc | |
oblivian | zapomnienie | |
flaw | skaza | |
conciliatory | uspokajajacy | |
unanimous | jednoglosny | |
repulsive | odrazajacy | |
consecutive | kolejny | |
degrading | ponizajacy | |
priviledged | uprzywilejowany | |
earsplitting | extremely loud or harsh | |
riddled with | naszpikowany (bledami) | |
versatile | able to do many different things | |
indelible | impossible to forget | |
ruthless | cruel or merciless | |
clandestine | planned or done in secret sth that is not officially allowed | |
vindictive | having or showing desire to hurt sb who has hurt you, msciwy, zadny zemsty | |
flawed | having a maistake or weakness | |
hideuos | very ugly or disgusting | |
to subject to | poddawac kogos torturom itp | |
to expose | ujawniac czyjes winy | |
to pull off | succees sth difficult | |
to acknowledge | say that you accept or not deny sth | |
to rupture | break, tear sth | |
to objectify | traktowac kogos przedmiotowo | |
to get away with | uniknac kary | |
to assume | accept sth without having a proof | |
to snag | szybko cos zlapac, chwycic, zawinac | |
to lack | nie miec czegos | |
to dump sb | rzucic kogos | |
to retract | cofnac to powiedziales | |
to deface | zniszczyc cos, zwykle rysunkami, grafitti | |
to recap | podsumowac | |
fall for sb | zakochac sie | |
to leak | zrobic przeciek (o informacji) | |
to flip through | look quickly through eq magazine | |
sit by | siedziec i patrzec jak cos zlego sie dzieje | |
to drop off | podwiezc kogos | |
to ridicule | wysmiewac kogos | |
to get back on | zemscic sie na kims | |
speak up | mow glosniej | |
to tackle | deal with sth difficult | |
to relish | enjoy sth | |
to annoyalite | destroy sb or sth completely | |
to foster | wspomagac rozwoj czegos | |
to transcend | wykraczac poza granice (np kultury) | |
to reinstate | przywrocic do pracy | |
dismiss | ignore | |
once-in-a-lifetime | jedyna taka w zyciu | |
take pleasure in | enjoy sth greatly | |
on a pair with | the same or equal to sth | |
free of charge | za darmo | |
to have a soft spot for | mniec do czegos slabosc | |
to get a leg up on sb | have advantage over others | |
see it coming | expect sth to happen | |
to be the last straw | when bad things happen to you and you feel that the next one will be too much | |
in someones good graces | he/sh likes you | |
blessing in disguise | at first you think it is bad but then you see it was good | |
to cross the line | start behaving in a way that is not socially accepted | |
to pay homage | oddawac hold | |
on demand | na zadanie | |
to ask/refuse/say sth point-blank | bez ogrodek | |
give sb the heads-up | ostrzec kogos przed czyms | |
to take the liberty of doing sth | do sth that will have effect on sb else without asking for permission | |
lose your train of thought | stracic watek | |
hands are tied | you can do nothig about it | |
to be nuts about | to be very enthusiastic about sth | |
from scratch | od poczatku | |
to win fair and square | win honestly and according to the rules | |
bury the hatchet | zakopac topor wojenny | |
to sent/push sb over the edge | put sb in difficult or dangerous situation | |
by and large | in general | |
let sth slide | przymknac na cos oko | |
to be rolling in money | tarzac sie w kasie | |
above board | honest plan or business agreement | |
to stick your neck out | to do or say sth you think is important even though it may have bad results | |
to have a shot at sth | to try to do sth, often for a forst time | |