adherents (of) | a people who supports a particular idea or party | |
adherence, to adhere to | adherent of - abstract noun + verb | |
convert (to) | sb who has taken on a new set of beliefs | |
conversion, to convert | convert to - abstract noun + verb | |
fanatic | sb with a very strong belief (disapproving) | |
fanaticism, fanatical | fanatic - abstract noun + adjective | |
radical | sob who believes there should be extreme political change, either of a left- or right-wing nature | |
radicalism | radical - abstract noun | |
reactionary | sb opposed to change or new ideas | |
reaction | reactionary - abstract noun | |
bigot | sb with strong unreasonable beliefs who thinks that anyone with other beliefs is wrong (disapprovin) | |
bigotry,bigoted | bigotry - abstract noun + adjective | |
assumption | unquestioning acceptance that sth is true | |
to derive from, to stem from | to have its orgins in (X2) | |
to eradicate | to abolish or get rid of | |
postulates | basic pronciples | |
to postulate | postulates - verb | |
consciousness | awareness | |
to usher in | to introduce | |
credible | believable | |
credulous | too willing to believe what you're told | |
incredulous | not wanting or able to believe sth | |
credence | acceptance that sth is true (formal) | |
give/ lend/ add credence to | .... credence to (verbs - x3) | |
gullible | easily tricked into believing things that may not be true | |
ingenuous | trusting, sicere, often in a way that seems foolish | |
(im)plausible | (un)convincing | |
a plausible argument | przekonujący argument | |
an inplausible exuse | nieprzekonująca wymówka | |
to ascribe (formal), to attribute (sth to sb/sth) | to consider sth to be caused, created or posseses by sb or sth (x2) | |
a tenet | one of the principle on which a belief is based | |
to give sb the benefit of the doubt | to accept sb is telling the truth even though it is not certain | |
to take sth with a pinch of salt | to believe not totally what you are told | |
I'll believe it when I see it! | uwierzę jak zobaczę (informal) | |
I don't buy it! | nie kupuję tego! (informal) | |
I wasn't born yesterday! | nie urodziłem się wczoraj (informal) | |
What d'you take me for? | za kogo mnie wziales? (informal) | |
pull the other one! | p... (informal way of saying I don't believ you) | |
A likely story! | a... (informal way of saying I don't believ you) | |
to seek | to want to achieve | |
to be anxious to | to want to very much | |
universally | totally | |
range | variety | |
with little in comon | not sharing much | |