wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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womarek 41
autor: Aguus1988
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adherents (of)a people who supports a particular idea or party
adherence, to adhere toadherent of - abstract noun + verb
convert (to)sb who has taken on a new set of beliefs
conversion, to convertconvert to - abstract noun + verb
fanaticsb with a very strong belief (disapproving)
fanaticism, fanaticalfanatic - abstract noun + adjective
radicalsob who believes there should be extreme political change, either of a left- or right-wing nature
radicalismradical - abstract noun
reactionarysb opposed to change or new ideas
reactionreactionary - abstract noun
bigotsb with strong unreasonable beliefs who thinks that anyone with other beliefs is wrong (disapprovin)
bigotry,bigotedbigotry - abstract noun + adjective
assumptionunquestioning acceptance that sth is true
to derive from, to stem fromto have its orgins in (X2)
to eradicateto abolish or get rid of
postulatesbasic pronciples
to postulatepostulates - verb
to usher into introduce
creduloustoo willing to believe what you're told
incredulousnot wanting or able to believe sth
credenceacceptance that sth is true (formal)
give/ lend/ add credence to.... credence to (verbs - x3)
gullibleeasily tricked into believing things that may not be true
ingenuoustrusting, sicere, often in a way that seems foolish
a plausible argumentprzekonujący argument
an inplausible exusenieprzekonująca wymówka
to ascribe (formal), to attribute (sth to sb/sth)to consider sth to be caused, created or posseses by sb or sth (x2)
a tenetone of the principle on which a belief is based
to give sb the benefit of the doubtto accept sb is telling the truth even though it is not certain
to take sth with a pinch of saltto believe not totally what you are told
I'll believe it when I see it!uwierzę jak zobaczę (informal)
I don't buy it!nie kupuję tego! (informal)
I wasn't born yesterday!nie urodziłem się wczoraj (informal)
What d'you take me for?za kogo mnie wziales? (informal)
pull the other one!p... (informal way of saying I don't believ you)
A likely story!a... (informal way of saying I don't believ you)
to seekto want to achieve
to be anxious toto want to very much
with little in comonnot sharing much
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