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autor: Aguus1988
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celebrations, to celebrate (be celebrated), celebratory (mood)świętowanie, świętować, świąteczny
renewal, to renew, renewed (hope)odnowa, odnawiać, odnowiona
festivalspecial day(s)/ event
festivitiesenjoyable activities, festival events
festive (mood)świąteczny, uroczysty
spectacularspectacle - adjective
ceremonyuroczystośc, ceremonia
ceremonialceremony - adjective
to be superstitiousto have illogical beliefs about hidden forces in nature
centenary / bi-centenary100th anniversary / 200th anniversary
penanceactions to show you are sorry for bad deeds (pokuta)
fastingnot eating for a long period
flamboyantextremely colourful and exaggerated (krzykliwy, przesadny)
raucous [`ro:kəs]very noisy (huczny)
sombreserious, heavy and sad
to be atmosphericto have a special feeling or atmosphere
to commemorateto respect and remember officially (formal)
associated withall to do with (more formal)
can be tracked back toall started with (more formal)
sombredark and serious (more formal)
the main focus of the festivalthe main thing in the festival (more formal)
parade of peoplebig gang of people marching through the streets (more formal)
flamboyantlively and extremely colourful (more formal)
raucousrather noisy (more formal)
symbolisemean (more formal)
it is very atmosphericit has a great feeling about it (more formal)
they were believed to guaranteepeople thought they would be guaranteed (more formal)
are not superstitiousdon't have such funny beliefs about nature (more formal)
paganreally old, pre-Christian
Mother's Dayis when you send cards and give gifts to your mother
Independence Dayis celebrated in may countires which were formely colonised by other countries
May Dayis the fist of May and is celebrated in many countries as a commemoration of all workers
Valentine;s Dayon this day people send romantic messages to sb they're in love with
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