wordki.pl - nauka słówek
womarek 43 /bez written accents - str. 104/
autor: Aguus1988
Indo-Europeanmajor group of languages in Europe and parts of Asia
Slavicfamily name of Polish, Russian and Belgian
Germanicfamily name of Swedish, English and Deuch
Romancefamily name of Spanish, Romanian, French
Indo-Arianfamily name of Hindu, Romany (gypsy language), Farsi (spoken in Iran)
Celticfamily name of Welsh, Irish, Breton (spoken in Brittany, France)
Semiticfamily name of Arabic, Hebrew
Austronesianfamily name of Malay,Tagalog (spoken in the Philipines), Maori (Spoken in New Zeland)
Syntaxthe grammar and word order
modalitymeanings such as possibility and necessity
modal verbsczasowniki modalne
phonologythe sound system, i.e pronunciation and intonation
phonemesdifferent sounds thet distinguish meanings
diphthongssounds made by combining vowels, such as ae and ei
lexicontechnical term for vocabulary
compoundswords formed by combining words, e.g software
Graece-Latinorginally from Greek and Latin
Anglo-Saxonlanguage of England from 500-100 AD
orthographytechnical term for vocabulary
charactersletters or symbols
pictogramscharacters representing pictures
ideogramscharacters representing ideas/ concepts
morphologyhow words are formed
morphemsunits of meaning
...inflectedwords have endings to show tense, person (e.g. Romance languages are...)
...isolatingeach word has only one morpheme (e.g. Chinese language is...)
orTHOgrapgy, orthoGRAphicortografia, oftrograficzny (+stress)
LExicon, LExicalleksykon, leksykalny (+stress)
moDAlity, MOdalmodalność, modalne (+stress)