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59: Aspects of industrialisation
dodaj do moich zestawów
heavy industrysteel works, ship building
light industrymanufacturing car parts, tv sets
manufacturing industrymaking things, e.g. consumer goods
service industryserving people; e.g. tourism, banking
high-technologyinvolving computers; e.g. software industry
low-technologyinvolving little or no computer technology
privatisatione.g. selling off state railways to private companies
nationalisation, state ownershipwhen industry is owned by the government (2)
public-private partnershippartly state-owned, partly owned by private industries or businesses
subsidiesmoney/grants which enable sth to stay in profit
sweetenersmoney/grants or tax benefits to encourage sb to open a factory/business
inward investmentinvestment from foreign companies
to be on pieceworkto be paid only for the amount produced
child labourthe employment of children to do adult jobs
trade union representationunion that negotiates wages and conditions
sweatshopsfactories where people work very long hours for very low wages
lame duckweak business that loses money
big multinationalsbig companies with operations in many different countries
cost-cutting exerciseeffort ot reduce costs
to relocateto move the company's offices to a different place
to switch productionto move the centre of manufacturing to a different place, often where labour is cheaper
red tapebureaucracy, i.e. governewmtn rules and regulations
retraining and reskillingtraining people for new jobs and teaching them new skills for things they have not done before
black marketczarny rynek
copyright infringementłamanie praw autorskich
industrial piracypiractwo na skalę przemysłową
industrial espionageszpiegostwo przemysłowe
money launderingpranie brudnych pieniędzy
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