rather | nieco |
fairly | dosyć |
entirely | całkowicie |
utterly | zupełnie |
superb | wspaniały |
amplify | wzmacniać |
thoroughly | dokładnie |
firmly | stanowczo |
bitterly | gorzko |
vividly | jaskrawo |
distinct | odrębny |
distinctly | wyraźnie |
remarkable | wybitny |
stark | sztywny |
tree trunk | pień drzewa |
breath-taking | zapiera dech w piersiach |
snow-capped | ośnieżone |
peak | szczyt |
marble | marmur |
stunning | oszałamiający |
dressing-gown | szlafrok |
leather | skórzany |
varied | zróżnicowane |
thrill-seekers | osoby poszukujące mocnych wrażeń |
uneven | nierówny |
unusual | niezwykły |
finest | najlepszych |
common in | powszechne w |
as a rule | zwykle |
by and large | ogólnie mówiąc |
broadly speaking | ogólnie rzecz biorąc |
in the main | głównie |
unburden yourself | wyładować się |
unburden | odciążyć |
unload sth on to sb | rozładować coś na kogoś |
refuse | odmawiać |
discreet | dyskretny |
follow-up | uzupełnienie |
locally | lokalnie |
and so on | i tak dalej |
nearby | blisko |
end up as | skończyć jako |
substitute family | rodzina zastępcza |
acquired | nabyty |
along | wzdłuż |
add up | sumują się |
barely | ledwo |
split | rozszczepiać |
commitment | zobowiązanie |
chunks | kawałki |
stick up with me | trzymaj się mnie |
stick up for you | będą przy tobie |
ventured | zaryzykować |
out of a molehill | z igły widły |
bark | szczekać |
journey | podróż |
urgently | pilnie |
redundant | zbyteczny |
ensure | zagwarantować |
bring up | wychować |
I can't stand | nie znoszę |
make sure | upewnić się |
convinced | przekonany |
able | zdolny |
luggage | bagaż |
check in | zameldować się |
benefits | korzyści |
bump into someone | wpaść na kogoś |
related to | związany z |
bottle sth up | When ppl do it, they refuse to talk about things that make them angry or worried |
help (sb) up | If you do it, you do a part of someone's work or give someone money |
be up for sth | willing and able to do or take part in an activity |
talk shop | when colleagues talk about work when they could be relaxing and having fun |
call it a day | to decide to stop working or doing an activity usually because you are tired or you have done enough |
rave about sth | to talk very enthusiastically about sth |
hit the roof | to get very angry about sth |
lose your bottle | when you no longer have the courage to do something |
diverse | varied or different |
cosmopolitan | having ppl and things from many different parts of the world |
rugged | a ... landscape is wild and uneven |
quaint | attractive because of being unusual and especially old-fashioned |
medieval | related to the Middle Ages, a period in European history from c. 600 AD to c.1500 AD |
unspoilt | an ... place is beautiful because it has not been changed or damaged by ppl |
meandering | moving slowly in no particular direction or with no clear purpose |
unique | being the only existing one of its type or, more generally, unusual or special in some way |