wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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womarek 44
autor: Aguus1988
dodaj do moich zestawów
absolute powerwładza absolutna
to succeed one another to the thronedziedziczyć tron po sobie
laws of successionprawa spadkowe
to accede to the tronewstępować na tron
heir apparentprawowity następca
second/third/fourth in line to the thronedrugi/trzeci/czwarty w kolejności do tronu
regentregent (osoba sprawująca władzę w imię zbyt młodego następcy)
pretender (to sth)kandydat
to lay claims to sthrościć sobie prawa do czegoś
proclaimed kingdeklarowany/ogłoszony król
to deposeusuwać ze stanowiska
to seize powerprzejąć władzę
to fall from powerbyć zdegradowanym, stracić władzę
to usurp poweruzurpować, przywłaszczac sobie władzę
to abuse powernadużywać władzę
feudalrelating to a social system strictly organised according to the rank
medievalof or from the Middle Ages
Renaissanceperiod of new growth of interest and activity in he arts
Victorianrelating to 1837-1901, associated with self-control, hard work, loyalty, strong religious beliefs
infantrysoldiers on foot
calvarysoldiers on horseback
legionRoman army
(suit of) armourmetal protective clothing worn by soldiers
chariottwo-wheeled vehicle pulled by a horse and used in ancient times for racing and war (rydwan)
galleonlarge sailing ship with three or four masts used in trade and war in the 15th-18th (trójmasztowiec)
stagecoachcovered vehicle pulled by horses that carried passangers and goods on regular routes (dyliżans)
cartopen vehicle with two or four wheels and pulled by an animal (furmanka)
serfperson working on the land who legally belongs to his master (chłop pańszczyźniany)
jesterperson who entertained people in the Middle Ages with jokes (błazen)
minstrelperson who entertained people in the Middle Ages with music and poetry
highwaymanman on horseback who robbed travellers on roads (rozbójnik)
(sb swept into the room) like a galleon in full sailsb was large and stately
to put the cart before the horseto do sth in the wrong order
(it is hard to penetrate) sb's armoursb is self-contained and retiring
to be feudal in sthto be hierarchical in sth
the reasons are legionthere are many reasons
sb is a modern highwayman with sthwhen you disapprove of sth sb is doing you can say
a renaissance of interest in sthan increase in interest in sth
Victorian valuesvalues of hard work
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