advertisign compaign | kamania reklamowa | |
teaser advertisement | reklamy drazniace, motywujace do myslenia | |
TV advertising | reklama telewizyjna | |
live advertisement | zywa reklama ??? | |
digital advertising | ? | |
advertising agencies | agencja reklamowa | |
word-of-mouth advertising | swiatowa promocja reklamowa?? | |
run advertisements | ? | |
traditional advertising | tradycyjna reklama | |
publicity stunt | sth done to get people's attention | |
design features | an important, interesting or typical part of sth | |
slogan | a short phrase that easy to remember | |
press coverage | newsapers and magazines | |
poster campaign | a series of actions intended to get a particular result | |
an event | wydarzenie | |
a campaign | kampania | |
a message | wiadomosc | |
a consumer | klient | |
a product | produkt | |
an advertisement | reklama, oogloszenie | |
clever | sprytny | |
powerful | mocny | |
interesting | interesujacy | |
strange | silny | |
funny | zabawny | |
shocking | szokujacy | |
informative | pouczajacy | |
inspiring | inspirujacy | |
eye-catching | chwytliwy | |
sexy | seksowny | |
original | oryginalny | |
cintriversial | kontrowersyjny | |
advertorial | tekst sponsorowany | |
banner ad | baner z ogloszeniem | |
bilboard | bilbord | |
hoarding | bilbord | |
cinema | kino | |
commercial | komercyjny | |
comunicate | komunikatywny | |
endorse | lansowac, wprowadzac | |
exhibition | wystawa | |
free samples | darmowe probki | |
leaflets/flyers | ulotki | |
outdoor advertising | ?? | |
place | miejsce | |
point-of-sale | punkt sprzedazy | |
pop-up | wyskakujacy | |
press | prasa | |
product placement | lokowanie produktu | |
radio | radio | |
sponsor | sponsor | |
sponsorship | patronat | |
target | cel | |
television | telewizja | |
viral advertising | wirusowa reklama? | |