wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: anya
cholesterolfatty substance found in the body tissue of animals
plaqueunwanted substance that forms on the surface of the arteries
to clogzatkać
strokeudar/ wylew
offalorgans from inside animals which are eaten as food
shellfishowoce morza/ skorupiaki
excretedgot rid of from the body
fibresubstance in food that travels through the body as waste, helping digestion (błonnik)
buffersth that helps protect from harm
guttubes that carr food from the stomach (jelito)
cardiovascular (exercise)affecting the heart and blood circulation
diabeticperson suffering from diabetes- his body cant cope with glucose
insulinhormone that controls the level of sugar in the body
poundsmeasure of weight
mood enhancerhormone that makes u feel happier
to score an own goalto make things worse rather than better
to move the goalpoststo change the rules
a level playing fieldfair situation
to be in the running for sthseriously considered
neck and necklevel with each other and equally likely to win
to skate aroundnot talk directly about
to sail throughto pass ver easily
swift walkingszybki spacer